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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Published on 26 December 2020.....

The youngest felt a hand running through his hair as he was sleeping he hummed in satisfaction....

Why did Jimin hyung come here??

"Jimin hyung what are you doing here??" Jungkook mumbled in his raspy voice as he cuddled more further but he heard a deep chuckle...

Jungkook noticed the other being shirtless and then his voice was deep...

Since when did Jimin have deep voice??

Jungkook thought but then he slowly opened his eyes to see the blonde smiling at him with his head resting on his hand as he raised his head up...

"You woke up Bun..." He flashed his smile...

It took few seconds for Jungkook to register what was going on and after he did he immediately remembered what happen....

Oh my god !! That just didn't happen...

He also noticed he was naked and also Taehyung .... Immediately he went under his sheets covering it over his head and spoke...

"Go away!! I don't wanna face you now!! You are my fucking enemy!!! " Jungkook squeaked his cheeks covered with red dust...

He heard the blonde chuckling on other hand....

"Do something and go away!! Use your vampire abilities !!! And I am fucking naked!!!" Jungkook shrieked...Making Taehyung roll his eyes on other hand.... Jungkook noticed there was no sound on other hand..   slowly he opened the sheet over his head and so the blonde wasn't there on the bed making him sigh in relief....

Why did he stay till I woke up.... It would have been easy if he left so I can't face him.... Damn why did I act like a needy bitch yesterday!!

Jungkook thought as he was ready to get down the bed.... But he was immediately lifted... And saw the blonde again...

Damn he was behind me the whole time...

" I already saw you naked what's the use in hiding??" Taehyung said his voice deep and he carried the male bridal but the sheet covered his entire body like a cocoon....

Jungkook didn't reply anything as Taehyung was giving off the dom vibe with his stern face... His hair was messy like Jungkook's but yet he still good breathtaking.... Taehyung snuggled into Jungkook's neck giving a soft peck under his ear...

"You didn't eat anything properly yesterday.... Your muscles are tensed you need to soothe them first okay??" Taehyung said....

Taehyung was able to detect all this because of the blood flow in Jungkook's veins..... He can sense it in any Human's blood.....

Jungkook calmed down in Taehyung's arms now.... Hearing how Taehyung didn't tease further and explained him to take rest....  Somehow he felt that Taehyung wouldn't hurt him....

So maybe it was okay to let us guard down right??

But still he can't get his hopes high on this.... He didn't wanted to trust him...

"Take a long bath and relax okay??" Taehyung said as he walked through the closet into the bathroom placing the younger into the bath tub.... kneeling next to him as the younger was still covered in sheets....

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