
254 18 1

Published on 11 January 2021

Jungkook was gazing at the stars  outside After the light was out it took few seconds for Taehyung to fall asleep but not for Jungkook cause he was gazing at the stars outside the window thinking where he landed right now...

Jungkook was gazing at the stars  outside After the light was out it took few seconds for Taehyung to fall asleep but not for Jungkook cause he was gazing at the stars outside the window thinking where he landed right now

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(Window is smtg like this but the beds and pillows are while and grey and plain)

Jungkook didn't notice this until then  The sky is filled with stars which was really a soothing sight to see before sleeping giving the vibe of being connected to nature as the building was in middle of a forest....

It was calming.... The nervousness really washed away slowly and his eyes occassionally closed as he was struggling to stay awake afraid if any Vampire will attack him...

Throught the light of the sky his eyes scanned around, the bedroom was open leading to another open room opposite but there weren't any pillows or comforts which the younger assumed to be used as only when there is a guest and also how there was a living room in between....

There were many windows on top which Jungkook knew the light will be blazing the room when the sun is up... He noticed many painting grams though he couldn't makeout what the painting was... The house was simple and clean.... Almost like a model house....

Jungkook also noticed how Taehyung keeps shifting in sleep a lot actually... At one point he almost kicked Jungkook by his knee but the younger moved away on time until he saw Taehyung sleeping at the edge of the bed almost falling...

Jungkook rolled his eyes slowly scooting a bit closer and pulling his back by his shirt which made the older turn and hug Jungkook in return.... Jungkook was startled but nevertheless he let him cause of how warm and cosy his arms where one rested on pillow making Jungkook lay his head on his biceps and his another arm wrapped around the younger's torso with legs tangled...

After Which Jungkook fell into his slumber due to the comfort....


With the blazing Sunlight Jungkook woke up he scanned the surrounding for a while until yesterday's events came into his head..

Ohh right Taehyung's place...

"You are a heavy sleeper " the deep voice said making Jungkook turn and face Taehyung who was wearing casuals with a glass holding a scarlet liquid....

Jungkook rolled his eyes... He did expect this and thankfully he didn't have a weak stomach due to the witness of bloody crime scenes in past he was immune to the iron smell of it....

"What time is it??" Jungkook groaned with sleepiness as he streched making Taehyung throw away his glass as he walked to Jungkook helping him out of the bed...

"Almost noon??" He replied making the younger humnfor it... "What about my work??" Jungkook asked his sleepiness removed from his eyes... as he was about to turn to face Taehyung but stopped when he felt Taehyung's grip on his waist tight....

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