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Published on 19 April 2021

"Thank god your clothes fit me well" the younger said putting on the shirt covering his tattoo on the back. While the older was sitting on the bed gently tugging the black haired closer as he helped the male with this shirt buttons as Jungkook worked on his belt.

After putting the last button on Taehyung bent to pull the drawer of his closet displaying his collection of ties.

"Why do you have so many Ties when you won't even wear them?" Jungkook mubbled as his eyes scanned to select one.

"I just happen to receive them as gifts or maybe I like to collect them" Taehyung shrugged as Jungkook huffed "I don't know, select one for me" Jungkook said as Taehyung chuckled as his big hands went over the clothing only to select a navy blue one with dim white patterned dots "This one?" Taehyung asked as the younger took it as hummed unrolling it.

"Maybe you should wear them often?" Jungkook said while unrolling only for Taehyung raise his eyebrows. "Should I wear them to Bed then ?" Taehyung asked with an evident smirk as Jungkook giggled letting his hand put the ties around Taehyung's neck as he tugged him closer as he kissed the older's lips.

When Jungkook pulled away Taehyung only pouted for Jungkook to give another one as Jungkook refused claiming to be late for work but eventually only to find Taehyung's lips against his as his legs straddling the older.

"Tae we should stop"Jungkook mumbled as Taehyung hesitantly pulled away as Jungkook pecked his forehead standing straight as Taehyung worked on Jungkook's tie helping him in the process of getting ready along with the things Jungkook needed for this day he had been waiting for.

A day where Jungkook finally agreed to help Taehyung out in his mission.

After few flirts and kisses Jungkook and Taehyung made their way to the office where Jungkook grabbed the motor bike keys of Yuna as he left , not before sharing a kiss with Taehyung.

Taehyung sighed as he saw Jungkook disappear in the woods only to hear.

"You two are Cringe!" From the now red haired man who gave a disgusting look to Taehyung as he walked to the couch.

"Oh shut up I have witnessed you snogging many in my life including my own sister " Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes as he walked to his desk letting his body rest of the chair.

"So we made a step now right?" Ten asked as Taehyung hummed.

"Do you think it will work?" The younger asked as Taehyung hummed with a soft smile.

"I trust Jungkook enoughfor this now,* Taehyung said as Ten only nodded.

"Only matter of months we will be able to get the treaty back" the older said with a satisfied hum as Ten grinned.

"Can't wait for our mission right?" He giggled as Taehyung chuckled.

"Of course we have waited for more than 500 fuckin years to get to this position and stand strong. Now it is only the matter of few months, And very thing will be back to as it was." The blond said as Ten smiled.

"Oh come on as you said we have waited for 500 years for this a few more doesn't matter" Ten chuckled shaking his head as he walked away....

Not knowing a pair of ears hearing to their conversation with a soft sad yet happy smile on his lips.....

Finally he is moving on the person said to himself....

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