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Published on 18 January 2021

"No you didn't!!!" Jimin yelled while Yuna laughed... "Yeah I did... He asked for it.... " Yuna chuckled.... "Okay I'll pay..." Yuna said getting up walking to the counter...

"No no!!" Jimin said taking his wallet out stopping Yuna.... But Yuna was stubborn
too leading to both quarrelling... The blue haired rolled his eyes... "Stop it you kids... I am elder than you two... I will pay.... That's final" the male said pushed past the two and walking to pay....

Yuna giggled loving how her boyfriend squeezed her arms on the way...

The trio started to hang out recently.... Going to movies, cafe etc... Anywhere public won't spot Yoongi because of him being famous....

"Where should we go??" Jimin asked exiting the shop.... " I don't know..." Yuna said eyes scanning around....

Then fell on something her eyes glittering mischieveness...

"Jimin there!!!" She said pointing to amusement park a bit afar where rested a giant wheel...

"No no Yura!!" Jimin said trying to run away but Yuna held his wrist firmly dragging him.... "Hyung save me!!!" Jimin wailed but Yoongi only chuckled at the younger two quarrelling....

" Enjoy!!" Yoongi said waving but Jimin dragged the male along with him to the amusement park....  "No I am not coming!!!" Yoongi yelled.... But with Yuna puppy eyes he sighed in defeat letting Jimin drag him too....

"Oh god this is going to be fun..." Yuna squeaked on the way....


"Bun can you help me with this??" Taehyung said giving a bag of money to Jungkook who took it in his hands... " Sure" he said back helping Taehyung counting money....

Not like Taehyung couldn't do it.... But Jungkook was getting pretty bored in the Headhouse so Taehyung asked his help here and there....

It has been almost a week now and Jungkook had done his work on finding anything suspicious but he didn't find a thing....

He spent next few days spending time in Taehyung's office or with Ten when he wants to have food.... And learnt a lot of things and each characters of the council....

Ten being a bubbly character but once pissed off he is livid.... Though he is hard to be pissed off... But once he is... Only Yuna is the one who can stop him... Because he would never hurt her intentionally....

Jungkook also knew Jaehyun and Yuna don't get along well... though he didn't know the reason he could tell both were holding back from ripping each other's head.... 

Jaehyun mostly speaks about things related to his work or mission.... Something similar to Rose...

Jungkook can say she is the most selfish character.... But in a good way...  She doesn't care about anything unless she gets a profit out of it.... mostly a cold aura surrounding her similar to Yuna's but Yuna is bubbly a bit... A mix of Ten and Rose character.....

Let's not forget to mention Yuna dropped her glaring eyes and Jungkook after their day in hunting.... Jungkook could say she came to neutral terms now but he didn't know why not like they both even spoke anything.....

He found out Ten and Yuna being childhood friend like... He doesn't even have one because of him being a prodigy and how fast he was getting promoted.... He did admire their friend despite arguing and pissing Taehyung off...

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