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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Published on 30 December 2020...

"Ugh!!" Yuna grunted as she was sitting on Yoongi's lap.... Yoongi panicked and held her... "You okay??" He asked but Yuna didn't reply....

"Something happen to Taehyung??" He asked sitting straight a bit worried but Yuna shook her head... "He is running low on blood...." Yuna grunted.... As she felt adrenaline kicking in turning her eyes red....

"Are you going to him or share??" He asked making Yuna hum slowly... " Yeah until he reach here... He doesn't want me to go there..." Her eyes turning orange now....

Just then with a bang Taehyung entered the office falling on the ground near the couch the couples were sitting on....

Yuna's eyes widen at Taehyung and grunted lowly.... "You opened the link??" She asked with a scowl....

Yoongi placed Yuna on couch properly getting the siblings blood....

"How long were you holding in??" The girl asked still frowning who replied... " Long enough that I couldn't close the link" he replied taking the glass of blood from the older as he gulped it down and even Yuna did the same....

" You were at Jungkook's??" Yuna asked after she finished her glass making Taehyung nod sitting on the couch now... "I don't know how long I will be able to hold in near him..... I left as soon as possible..." He said calming down as he close his eyes....

Blood in their system is their only source of energy..... As long as the blood is in your you can control your urge.... But after the energy is used too much you can pass out....

And when Jungkook attacked Taehyung... Jungkook was high on adrenaline making it difficult for Taehyung to hold back especially when he was low in blood..... Due to which he immediately left not able to trust himself around the younger....

" I said you to fill your body !!" Yuna scowled smacking the older's head but wincing in return rubbing the back of her head.... " Close the link you fuckface!!" Yuna yelled at the older making him give her a short glare.... But eventually doing it....

Yuna smacked him again making him wince " What was that for !!! I did it!!" He said making Yuna chuckle playfully...

"Just checking" She giggled making Taehyung glare at her once again and Yoongi came behind Yuna hugging her giving a glare to Taehyung making him roll his eyes....

The older pulled the girl on his lap sway her to side as she laid comfortably on his chest eventually falling asleep.... While Taehyung when to his room opening his bathroom filling the tub with water as he laid on is.... The scent of bath bombs calming him.... As he put his head back.....

His mind traveling to the Familiar doe eyed....

Does he really want me to forget what happen??

I know that he didn't regret what happened but....


Taehyung sighed in frustration as he sunk more deeper into the water....


Jungkook ran into his home more like the ancestral home where he grew up..... Barging into the library he found the book....

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