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" Does V stand for Victory.... or Vampire? "

Published on 23 December 2020....


"Stop whining like a kid...." The grey haired mumbled as he applied an antiseptic liquid to the wound of the younger.....

" It hurts..."  He pouted to which Jimin made sure he softly dabbed the cotton....

Soon after Taehyung and his so called sister left.... Jimin had come for a visit.... Currently treating a cut on his neck which the girl left because of a ring she wore.....

" Well you shouldn't have attack him when he said he wasn't going to hurt you..." The older said... Taking a cotton to wipe the blood off.....

" Well I can't trust him..." Jungkook deadpanned.... "He is a Vampire hyung"

"And you are a Vampire Hunter Jungkook.... He can't trust you either.... Yet he allowed you to keep a stake with you for your safety to earn your trust..... " Jimin explained.... Taking a cream now to apply on the cut as well as the bruise the girl left while choking him...

"Yeah and his sister who threatened to rip me to shreds..." Jungkook snorted.... "Well you staked her brother Jungkook..... She would definitely be pissed...." Jimin said as he pulled a plaster on the cut now.....

" It was his back up..... He didn't trust me either..... He had his guard so did I.... " Jungkook shrugged putting away the first aids....

" You were the one who attacked him first.... " Jimin said as he sat on the bed...

" Cause he was coming after my neck.... See I can't trust a Vampire okay?? " Jungkook said as he striped off his clothes to change into comfortable ones...

"Okay why did he come here in first place??"

Jungkook frowned with a pout... " First he said he wanted to see me.... Then later he admitted he is behind me because of he is thirsting over my blood..." Jungkook mumbled.... His heart tightening at this thought....

He didn't know why but he was really not liking that the male was after his blood.... So with a groan and with a head ache after he hit his head while he dropped on floor....

He jumped on his bed.... Feeling the scent of the blonde hitting his nostrils....

Making him frown despite liking it.... As he curled into a ball and closed his eyes falling into his slumber....

Jimin smiled at the younger.... No matter Jungkook being senior to Jimin in school or in profession he was always taken cared like a kid and pampered too....Even if he good at studies or the youngest prosecutor ever..... Jungkook was innocent at heart....  Everyone had a soft spot for him....

He softly ruffled the younger's hair earning a satisfied hum his response as he snuggled into the sheets.... Jimin chuckled but got off the bed.... Leaving the younger to his dream world....


"Ouch lady.... Slowly!!?" The Blonde yelled making the now blue haired girl grip the stake harder and pulled out in one shot earning a scream from the older....

"That is what you get if you get into trouble once again...." She said throwing away the wood as she walked to get a bowl of warm water with a napkin..... As walking back to the male on couch.... Dabbing the napkin into the water and wiped the blood off the older...

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