I hate the Way You Hate Me (Kacchan Edition)

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   (Because it's been awhile here's a quick refresher)

   Y/n is being delusional and inconsolable because of blood loss so Bakugou let's her go and she died °_° well not really. Anyways.

   "Y/N!" I turned around with her in my arms once again and saw all of class 1-A running to us.

   They were stopped by the nurses so I put y/n down where the nurse instructed me to and walked over to our classmates.

   (And back to your regularly scheduled programming)

   I was instantly bombarded with questions about what happened when they were out and why y/n was hurt so badly.

   "Bakugou, what happened to y/n?" Pinky said crying. Now that I'm seeing them, a lot of the class was crying with seeing y/n in that state.

  "She's too stubborn." I said feeling a pang in my chest. "I couldn't protect her." I added under my breath.

   "It could've ended much worse if you weren't there." I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was All Might. He was beat up some, but was bandaged already. "I want to talk to you, young Bakugou."

   I followed him as the class in the background voices their protest because I didn't explain a thing. When we were out of earshot All Might started talking again.

   "What you did was noble, my boy." I bit my lip so I didn't say anything rude. I didn't do anything. "You listened to young l/n when she made a plan. Even though you didn't want to, you followed her advice."

   "But if I had done something more-"

   "L/n is a born leader. It may not seem like it now, but she is. I know how you are, young Bakugou. In any other circumstance, you would have argued, but life or death you know what is right. If you had done anything else, it would not have ended so well."

   Well?! That's what he calls ending well?! This is the second time y/n has been hospitalized because I couldn't protect her. Third if you count when the crab was in the USJ. Becoming a hero seems so far away right now. My eyes burned as I tried not to cry.

   All Might walked away to speak with Endeavor and I was left staring at the ground. My nails dug into my palms. I released my grip and took a breath. She's still alive. Out of sheer unwillingness to die she is still here.

.. .

   All of my bruises and cuts have for the most part healed. The gash on my side was deep. When I noticed it, I was really just impressed with y/n for using her quirk like that.

   As if now I was sitting in the waiting room talking with Yukimi and their mom. Yesterday we came at different times so I was able to avoid this awkward situation. I never actually spoke with y/n's mom before.

   "So you're Bakugou?" She asked after sipping her coffee.

   I nodded, "I'm surprised the chief talked about me."

   "Nope! That was me." Yukimi tagged in.

   "Yes, the only things I know about you come from Yukimi, and not my other daughter." She narrowed her eyes at me. "Makes me wonder why she's been so secretive about you."

   "Mom, c'mon give him a break."

   "Yukimi." She said sternly. Yukimi shut her mouth. "So?"

   "Oh, well I'm not sure why. There was probably just nothing to report on." I hoped my voice hid how nervous I was. I've never been in a situation like this. What am I supposed to say? What is expected of me? Why is this so much harder than any test or battle?!

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