Halloween 2020! (Kacchan Edition Only)

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Disregard the plot for this little special chapter and I promise Kacchan edition chapters will come out soon, I love you guys😘.

"(Y/n)!! Get your butt down here!" I don't think ass is a bad word so it's funny how Yukimi won't say it. Today is halloween and (y/n) was forcing me to go, and yet she's not even awake yet. "Want some tea?"

I nodded and while she poured I asked, " So what's she being for halloween anyways?" I took the cup in my hands about to drink.

"A slutty bunny."

"What was that?" (Y/n) was referring to the shattering of the cup. She came from upstairs just in time to see the mess I just made. Either from the shock of Yukimi 'cursing' or what (y/n)'s costume was gonna be It slipped from my hands.

I looked to Yukimi who was laughing hysterically then back to (y/n). "She made me drop my cup."

"Ooo butter fingers!!"


"Uh huh."

"Whatever, where's your costume?" She was wearing normal clothing, not that I'm upset shes not wearing it.

"Bruh It's only noonish. I still have to decide. So let's go."

We say bye to Yukimi and leave to go to the mall.

"So I was thinking we could do something to show off how I own you for this whole year!!"

"Like hell I'm dressing up, Chief." Halloween is stupid I haven't done it in a long time and I can't believe she still does.

"I'm sorry can you say that again?"

"Like hell I'm dressing up." I said slowly so she'd understand.

"No no no, I mean the last part."


"There we go! Exactly I am the chief here, you do as I say."

"Dictator's more like it."

She ignored me and skipped to the Halloween store. It's sorta cute how she loves halloween this much.

In the store she started to look around. "Oh I got it!" She was rifling through the costumes and turned around with a grass skirt and a blue thing. "Lilo and stitch!"

"No way am I putting a skirt on, chief."

"Oh no, you're being stitch. Like I said it shows off how I own you." She smiled her cute little 'inocent' smile.

"Mmm no. How about we play a game?" Her eyes lit up, it's so easy to get her to agree to things if you make it a competition. "I win, we dress up as something I want and vice versa if it's even possible you win."

"Oh yay! I can't wait to see you in a skirt!"

"I thought you said I was stitch?"

"Yea, then you said you didn't wanna wear a skirt, so the choice was easy."

The game was simple. Scare a rando on the street. Really not that hard for someone like me, but no one would be scared of (y/n).

We are now near the fountain because it's where the most people walk by. "Only one chance okay? You go first." She says in a cocky tone.

I wanted a quick win because I still wanted time to pick out the costumes. I walked up to a person walking past And shouted. I actually got a few people to jump, and I consider that a victory.

"Cheap win Kacchan."

"I win?"

"Cheap move Kacchan, but I'm going to win. Let's go back to the store."

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