second book

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Back by popular demand.

Nothing is going to happen until after my obi fic is done, but for the second book there are some questions I want to ask you :)


1~ Should book2 follow the anime? However loosely considering the villains are in jail.

2~ Do you like the switching perspectives?

2.5~ Would you want other perspectives as well?

3~ Would you like appearances from the father or Suzuki aka Eiji?

4~ Would you like to know what the fuck is up with Ikeda? (Yukimi's classmate if you forgot)

4.5~ Would you like more attention on Yukimi?

5~ Should mother dearest get more character development?

6~ Any other suggestions you may have give them to me.

7~ sorry for adding it late I forgot. What should the title of it be? considering neither of them hate each other anymore.


I am not prepared to write a sequel for this so if you want one be an active participant PLEASE. I BEG YOU!!

Now I can't say when it will happen because my obi fic is still far from being done, but that just gives more time for more of you to add your input.


If you have questions now is the time to ask. About the story, about me, why the sky is blue, the meaning of life, literally anything.

I will publish the q&a before starting the second book so it's there to refresh minds of prior events.


I feel like I wanted to say/ask something else so be on the look out for this chapter getting updated when I actually remember.


Oh and I guess I was wrong before when I said it was my last time signing off in this book.

This is my last time signing off. :)


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