Entrance Exam Arc (Kacchan Edition)

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   I just ran into quirkless Deku and started to yell at him. Telling him how useless he is and that he should go die. Which, were all facts. I don't know how he expects to get into the hero course, he'd even be lucky to get in general studies.

   As I make fun of him all he can do is stutter. "HEY!" I turn around to see a familiar looking girl. "Stop it! No need to take out your fear of losing on someone else, Kacchan!"
   Kacchan? Who the hell besides shitty Deku calls me- (y/n)? That dumbass from middle school?! At the same time I realize who it is I notice a gash on top her head. How the hell does she not notice it? There is blood dripping down her cheek even!

   "Before you try to stand up for useless Deku, why don't you try to protect yourself!". I gesture to my own forehead. She does the same to herself and notices the cut. While she's distracted I go to push her out of my way.

   She dodged, so I just 'tched' and walked away. What a shitty girl, I can't wait to beat her. If I even get the chance to fight her. I begin to laugh, she's not gonna pass the exam, her quirk is weak, a disappointment.

   I look back quickly to see her hugging Deku. "The weak stick together I guess" the person next to me looked at me.

   "What, sorry didn't catch that" I glared at them. They put their hands up to surrender and I walk away. Leaving them frozen. Damn extras.

   The auditorium was packed with hopeless weaklings. Yet, out of all of these people, I'm stuck next to her. I can't even catch a break because next to her is Deku, muttering like a fool. I can't even focus on Present Mic's rules because of shitty Deku muttering.

   "Deku shut up! You're being the nuisance you are! Just leave already!"

   "Kacchan!" (Y/n) whisper yelled, "Sit down and shut up!"

   "Why don't you shut up, rat!" I glared at her, trying to strangle her with my eyes. I hate her, and the fact that she's glaring right back, makes me hate her more.

   "I'm not afraid of you anymore, Kacchan" she spoke my name roughly as if she wanted to spit at me. Yet This sentence pleased me. She was afraid of me, that just proves how strong I was, stronger now, even.

   "So you admit," I begin "you were afraid of me." I said this in a condescending tone. I hate her, and I'll make sure she knows it.

   The practical exam has just begun. I was luring the bots to me so I could take as many out with out wasting my energy. The only thing I was focused on right now, was the sound of the bots and where to hit.

   The other kids, my surroundings, nothing phased me. I heard a bot coming at me from behind. When I was about to hit it, another bot was about to hit me from the front so I took care of that one first. When it's pieces hit the ground I whipped around and blew up the other bot.

   But it wasn't untill the smoke cleared that I saw (y/n) flying through the air. Why the hell did she get in my way?! I can tell she tried to use her quirk while landing, but it was still ungraceful and I heard a crack.

   A quick pain of guilt surges through me, until I see the way she's looking at me. Pure hatred. It reminds me that it's completely her fault, she shouldn't have been trying to steal my kill. "That's what you get for getting in my way, rat!" I turn and stalk off, because the exam is over.

   "I just saved you and you hit me!" (Y/n) called out. Saved me? Like hell you did, but maybe I should help her, because of her ankle. "JUST YOU WAIT, YOUR PATH TO NUMBER 1 HERO WILL BE CUT OFF BY ME!"
Every little piece of guilt I had for accidentally hitting her evaporated.

   I continue walking away, anger boiling inside of me. I hear her say something else, but it doesn't matter. I will beat her.

A/N hello! Thank you to the person who voted for this absolute crap!! It's the first vote Ive ever gotten! As for the story, we can see that if they both just understood wth happens half the time, it would be a rather quick story! Luckily, I'm not that nice.

Enjoy Life! - yours truly

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