Nightmare and Fingerprints

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I walk through the door of my house, luckily the school's nurse, Recovery Girl, healed my ankle. When I take off my shoes, I'm bombarded by Yukimi. "Did you do well? What was the test? Did you see any of your old friends?" She took a sharp inhale and her eyes started to sparkle, "Did you meet any pro heros?!"

I always thought IzuKun and Yukimi would be fun to watch, should they meet. Yukimi is just as much, if not more, a fan girl than he is. "Yea, actually, Present Mic and Recovery Girl." It looked like she was going to pass out right then and there.

"Recovery Girl?! What is she like in person?" she had always loved rescue heros the most. I love my sister, but sometimes she's a bit much. Especially now, Kacchan is all I can think about. I told IzuKun that Kacchan would apologise, how am I supposed to manage that?

After answering a few more questions I bolt upstairs. My mom had already left for work by now so I only have to deal with Yukimi.

I flop down onto my bed, the exhaustion kicking in. I'm lucky I didn't over do my quirk. Because I can manifest oxygen, I can control or solidify it. All of my attacks are completely invisible, but if I over use it, I can loose control and take the oxygen right from my own body.

This includes the oxygen from my lungs and blood. The affects are pretty severe, but I haven't done anything like that since I was younger.

Putting my mind back on what I need to focus on. How will I get Kacchan to apologise? The name alone throws me into a fit of rage. He broke my ankle after I saved him and he just walked away!?

I lean over the side of my bed and grab a dart, I whip it through the air into a dart board on the other side of the room. I barely hit it, but it got some of the rage out. After my little fit I fall asleep.

"You're not even friends with him! You never hung out together, he never even looked in your direction." Small explosions sound off in his hands. A my younger self just cowards in the corner. As my present self looks on.

"I know all of this, shut up!" I scream, but the young Kacchan didn't even notice my presence. He was focused on my counter part.

"What right do you have to call him your friend?"

"Because he protected me from bullies" the girl sobbed. Kacchan made even more explosions.


"You're weak." I whip around to see the older Kacchan. "You call him your friend now, what right do you have." My eyes widened to show fear. "You promised him I'd say I'm sorry. How do you think that will work out?" I could feel my eyes stinging. "It's nothing but false hope"

My eyes open and I shoot out of bed screaming. Yukimi runs in, "Are you ok?!"

"Oh, yea, I don't know what happened, it wasn't even scary." I laugh dryly. It wasn't scary, but it was true. "The truth's scary, huh?" She nods and smiles.

"You're such an idiot sometimes." She walks over to me and puts her arm around my shoulders, pulling me from my bed. "Come on, breakfast."

By the time we got down the stairs the mood has lifted and we were elbowing each other, making jokes and such. When I look up, I see my mom sitting at the island. "MO-" Yukimi pulls me back from running to hug her, and I realize she's on the phone.

I sit down next to her and she doesn't even notice my presence. Yukimi goes back to cooking and passes a plate of pancakes to me. I eat in silence while hearing tidbits of mom's conversation. "Of course he wouldn't let the deal go through, he's such an egotistical di-" she turns her head, cutting off her sentence as she sees me.

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