The sports Festival

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Weeks have passed and the Festival is tomorrow. I couldn't be more excited because during the weeks of nonstop training with only seeing Kacchan in school I made a decision I thought I would never make. I promised myself if best him in the festival, I'll tell him how I feel. Like I said before, there is nothing to lose because he already hates me.

(Idiot does it really seem like he hates you *disappointed head shake*)

I'm nervous of course, but it would really just be annoying going on the way I've been feeling with out telling him. Seriously can you imagine liking someone and being around them all the time but never telling them? I've been a blushing mess around him since I realized it, and it would be awful if I had to keep hiding my face.

What if I don't win? is a question I've asked myself over and over. The answer I gave myself is I will. I have trained harder than ever so there is no way I could possibly lose. There is no way I could lose to my classmates and no way I could lose to Kacchan. I'm taking the gold and a huge weight of my shoulders.

Today I was going to see Kacchan outside of school for the first time in awhile. He was coming over for the last time before he gets beaten into just scraps and pieces, by me of course. While I was waiting I was training in my room. Quirks aren't allowed in the house so I had to be discreet. I was pelting darts at my dart board without aiming, then used my quirk to direct it.

Really it wasn't training because it is very basic and I am way past it, but it is fun. I toss a dart to the ceiling and it magically hits the bullseye in the wall. It would entertain a toddler and I tend to have the same mindset.

I heard the downstairs door open so I go down to greet Kacchan. "Kacchan! It's been awhile, unfortunately for you it's not enough time to train, because I will destroy you!" I get the the landing and see him standing there.

Sure I've seen him in school the past few weeks, but damn was he buff. He was fit before but now, now it's just wow. (🤤-basically)

"Hey Chief, pretty strong words for a loser."

"Uh-huh." I said sarcastically.

"Hey Katsuki!" Yukimi yelled from upstairs.

"Hey, Yukimi!" I haven't told Yukimi, or anyone for that matter,about the hospital. I want to surprise her when she's watching the sports festival. Sure, I haven't successfully used my whole quirk, but maybe desperation will work. Will power to destroy Kacchan outta do it. After all the rest of my life depends on the outcome.

"It's early yet. Go canoodle or whatever you two do. I haven't started dinner."

My eyes went wide, "WHAT THE HELL YUKIMI WE AREN'T DATING!" Kacchan and I said simultaneously. Dang hearing him say that hurt, but I won't go back on my word, even if he doesn't feel the same. If I ruin our little peace treaty it's fine because I wouldn't want to stay around hiding how I felt.

It's a win win situation, nothing could go wrong. Unless . . . I lose.

A/n (announcer's voice)
Come one come all! Ladies and gentle folk please place your bets!! Who will win who will win!! Things are heating up!! (In a few episodes 🤭)

"C'mon Kacchan let's play darts." We go to my room and I toss the darts at his feet, just like the first time. "Pick up the gauntlet, Kacchan."

He snapped them up quickly, smirking, "I know the rules now." He points the end of the dart at me,"You're going down!"

" You're thinking 'I'm only scared of beating you too badly' if I recall correctly." I snicker as he winces at the memory. I absolutely crushed him last time (ep first day for reference)

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