USJ But not the park 1&2(Kacchan Edition)

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On the way to the Principal's office I thought about what to say. So many things went through my mind. What if Nezu can't even do anything about the crab?

I took a deep breath before opening the office doors. "You don't knock?" Nezu said from behind his desk.

"I-im sorry, sir."

"Sir?" He sets his teacup down, "that's not like you."

"I . . ." Asking for help isn't something I do often, or ever. It's not something I like doing either. But I just don't see a way around it this time. "I need help."


I explained to him everything and he just stood there sipping his tea. He's so calm and it made me angry. "So she has a half brother who's threatening her life? And you say he goes to this school?"

"Yes! I've said all of this already!! What can you do about it?!"

"Hmm. I'll look into it, don't worry."


"Bakugou!" I hadn't even realized I was running towards Nezu until Aizawa burst in. I didn't even hear him come in. I was tangled in his scarf struggling to get down.

"I'm fine let me down!"



"Now that tells me you aren't." He tied me to the chair so I was forced to listen.

"We don't have a student that goes by the name Suzuki. As of right now we can only have the heros investigate this matter thoroughly. You said he had some sort of mind manipulation quirk?" Nezu said.

I nodded because my mouth was covered by his damn scarf. I was trying to calm down so he'd let me go, but I'm fuming.

"You can go on about your day. Keep your distance from her like you have been. We don't want to risk anything right now. I'm sure once you can tell her what happened there will be no hard feelings."

Aizawa dropped me in the hall and slammed the door behind him. No hard feelings? He doesn't know his students as well as he claims. I know how she'll feel once this all blows over. But I can't risk her getting hurt.

I rush home, ignoring everything around me. My phone rang and chimed over and over from shitty hair. But I ignored it.

. . .

At school y/n wasn't there yet. I sat down and ignored everyone else. That's how I spent my time, for what felt like forever. I couldn't stand it. I didn't talk to anyone else because what right do I have to?

I never realized how much I relied on her. How much I need her. She's always been there for me after I lost the bet. The bet. What would've happened after the year was up? Were we only together so often because I had to be?

I know that's not true on my end, but how did she feel about it?

This morning I had to push through crowds on my way into school, which only worsened my mood. When Aizawa came in he just said to pick a class rep. I zoned out during the argument of who should be what, only to be brought back by a paper on my desk.

I wrote her name. But that was obvious. It was the only thing I can do now to support her.

For lunch I wandered around the campus. I didn't want to be in the cafeteria to see her. I eventually made it into the classroom because I was sick of walking. The sparkle boy was in there eating his lunch, but I didn't mind him. He didn't seem like the type to try and spark up conversation.

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