First Day (Kacchan Edition)

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Knowing how I feel about her has been hell. I want to be around her, but I don't think she wants me to be. It pisses me off, not knowing what to do. On top of it all-, "Kacchan!" I was walking out the door of class when she called.

"What do you want, Shortcake?" I turned around to let the other people leave the class.

"My bag." She was standing with her arms crossed and tapping her foot.

"What about it?" On top of it all, I still can't look her in the eyes. "Shortcake." I add to deflect from myself.

"You remember that part of the bet. Sadly you forgot the important part." I knew she was making eye contact, but I'm still scared. I go up to her and rip the bag from her hands and walk out of the room. I'm scared that I'll see fear again.

In the lunchroom Pinky, Sparky, Shitty Hair, and (y/n) were all talking to each other. "Hey Kacchan!" When she said my name I jumped but she didn't notice.

"Tch" I directed it to myself, I'm being an idiot.

"Come with me." She left the table and I followed. I'm not going to let people think I don't follow through. She was walking toward Deku's table.

She sat down so I followed her lead, "servants don't sit." I stood behind her and stopped listening to their conversation. Eventually she and Duku stood up so I followed.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Deku said. It bothered me that (y/n) wanted to talk to him.

"I know I've said it before, but I'm sorry I didn't do anything back then, even though you helped me." Is she talking about the notebook?

Why do I feel relieved? I should be pissed that she's about to make me apologise to Deku. I hate him and he deserved it. Then it dawned on me, I'm relieved because I'm the reason she's talking to him. She isn't talking to him as a friend, well she is but. . . There isn't a reason to be jealous.

( Does this make sense (˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ ) please let it)

I was jolted back into reality when I was pushed forward. "Kacchan, I want you to apologise to IzuKun."

"What?! No way in hell!"

"You have to! Why do you have to be so selfish?! Even when we were attacked it was you who decided everything! You have a hero complex and have to take it out on everyone around you!" She's mad at me? "I'm not asking you to hug or anything because I doubt anyone would want that from you, just an apology. Come find me when you're done."

She walked away, leaving Deku and me alone. I have to do what she says but, does she understand what's going on at all? "Deku, I'm-"

"I don't accept." He was looking toward his feet.

"What?" I was taken aback by his response.

"I don't want an apology, I want an obstacle." He looked up at me and confidence shine in his eyes. "If you apologise I might feel bad about surpassing one day, because I know I will take the number one spot."

I smirked, "We'll see About that. I will be the best hero."

"Hey!" Before I could turn to see (y/n) she grabbed my arm. "I messed up, I'm sorry IzuKun I wont tamper anymore!" She pulled me away by the arm.

I've been pulled down the hall by my arm. The warmth of her hand very noticable. It began to be awkward having her hold my arm like that for so long. Almost as if we were holding hands. What the hell! "You can let go."

She turned around and dropped my arm. "My bad!" She turned and kept walking. She was being very quiet for her.

"Are you okay?"

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