I Hate The Way You Hate Me

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He already saw me coming. I could feel him using his quirk because my thoughts twisted and all reason was gone. Not a second later I was back to normal.

   "Huh?!" He seemed confused as to how I broke his little spell. It was like a sweet victory before I even had the chance to fight him. This mightier than thou boy who thought he always had the upper hand was confused and worried.

   "I'm too pissed for your tricks to work on me!" I stood off infront of him, "Stop your quirk and wake everyone up, NOW!"
   "Why should I do that?" His cold voice was back, he thinks he has the upper hand right now. How could he possibly think that? 

   "Because it's that or I knock you out!" I grab his arms and pin him to the wall.

   "You act like such a good person. But that's exactly why people get hurt around you." I don't respond because I don't know what to say and I won't give him the satisfaction of hearing me stutter. "Tsuburaba is bleeding out as we speak because of you. He saved you because he genuinely believes you are destined for something great." That is insane. Why would he think that? I was so rude to him before the cavalry battle, he only saved me because he's trying to be a hero.

   "What do you know about any of that?!"

   "My quirk, remember? I know what people think and feel. I even know you agree with me. That it's your fault everyone always gets hurt." No, it doesn't matter what I think, I have to protect everyone. "You can't protect anything."


   "Eiji too."


   I was shaking now. I'm so pissed. I want to crack his skull.

   "That's your issue. It could all be over if you just killed me, but you won't. You are too hero-minded. You are too bright. They are so dazzled by your light they don't think about the consequences and jump right into danger to save you. Even back then, when your classmates decided they had to save you before the rest of them during their training"

   "NO! You're wrong!"

   "When Eiji saved you even though he knew he'd go to jail."


   "When your father abandoned everything he loved to protect you!"

  "I said shut up!"

   "When Bakugou searched for you when you went missing, he couldn't sleep that entire time. When Bakugou jumped in to save you from the mad man in the park. When Bakugou ignored you because I said I would hurt you despite the fact he-"

   "JUST SHUT UP!" I've been a problem this whole time. I'm just a problem that's all I am. Everyone is put out by me.

   "It's not your fault they chose the paths they took, everyone. All they want to do is follow your light. Like moths drawn to the flame. I really pity them, especially Bakugou because, well i suppose I shouldn't spoil that."

   "Why do you insist on blabbing on for so long. YOU'VE LOST!"

   "No, I haven't, not until you kill me." It sounded like he was begging me. Does he want me to kill him? "I know you won't because that's not how you are. You spend so much time trying to convince yourself everything you do is for selfish reasons, why? You are a good person."

   Why does he sound so sad? He sounds broken inside, what is going on inside of his mind? He reminds me of-

   "You guessed it. Your light, it blinded me too. I am just a moth who wants to follow after you." I let go of him, I have to look him in the eyes. "Nice to see you again, y/n" he pulled a picture from his pocket, the one he took of me when I was captured by the league. "It's not the best picture, but I've kept it. I've been looking forward to seeing you again for a long time."

I Hate the Way You Hate Me (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now