Festival for the Citizens(3rdPOV)

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*filler- unimportant but very cute if I do say so myself*

"THEY WHAT?!" y/n shouted after Yukimi answered her question. Y/n just asked her when her school festival was and apparently it was cancelled due to the villain attacks that seemed to be more common recently. "They can't just cancel your festival. You all worked so hard on it!"

Y/n felt guilty because she knows it's not just about the recent robberies and hold ups, but more specifically the attacks on UA. The community revolves around UA a lot more than people previously thought. Attacks on UA shake the people because it shows the balls of villains. Attacking school full of not only heros in training but pro heros teaching them is nothing to be laughed at.

"Everything we've done so far can be used for the next year's students." Yukimi told y/n "and don't feel guilty it's not your fault."

"Who said I felt guilty." Y/n felt even worse now because she realized this would have been Yukimi's last school festival. Yukimi just shook her head because she knew y/n too well.

Y/n spent the rest of the night thinking about ways to make Yukimi's last year in school a memorable one. In middle school y/n always loved and looked forward to the festivals. It was wrong that they cancelled it because of something so stupid.

There was only one way she could think of and she needed some help. The very next morning she was knocking on Katsuki's door. Mitsuki opened the door and nearly fell over when she saw a girl standing at her door. A pretty one at that. (Idk if she went to his house in previous chapters so pretend she didn't)

"Masaru, honey get down here! KATSUKI HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!" She shouted into the house.

Katsuki's "HUH?!" Could be heard from upstairs followed by rushed footsteps down the stairs. When he saw her standing in the doorway he just frowned. He couldn't believe that one, she knew where he lived, and two that she came here and let his mom see her.

"You're the girl he went out every night to find aren't you?" Mitsuki said smiling wide.

Y/n looked over Mitsuki's shoulder to look at Katsuki with a questioning face. Katsuki didn't look at her because he was too busy burning holes into his mother's head.

"Um, I suppose so, it's nice to meet you, but you have the wrong idea. Kacchan is a nice kid, but I hardly consider him a friend." She tried putting it as politely as possible while keeping it a dig at Katsuki.

Though, Mitsuki was all to optimistic when she heard that because she turned to Katsuki and said, "Looks like you can take your time asking her out because it doesn't seem like she'll friend zone you anytime soon."

The Bakugous started arguing with each other but Masaru seemed to pay it no mind. He, of course, was used to their tempers. Luckily so was y/n, to Katsuki's at least, so Masaru and Y/n held their own conversation over the shouting.

"Please, come in l/n was it?"

"Uh, yes thank you Mr.Bakugou."

They walked inside leaving the other two to bicker. "Is there a reason you came today?" Y/n thought it was strange how calm Masaru was compared to the other two, like a voice of reason, that noone ever seems to listen to.

"Yes, actually I wanted to ask a favor of Kacchan. You see the festival my sister's school was holding had been cancelled and I was hoping to recruit him to help me make one."

"That sounds like a lovely idea!" Mitsuki came in with Katsuki in a head lock. Him fighting as she dragged him inside. "I give you permission to use him however you like!"

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