Quirk Assessment Test (Kacchan Edition)

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   The first day of school is today. When I had gotten the letter the old hag was up my ass about getting notebooks and my uniform together. I was lucky to go to bed at 9:00. During the day when I would normally train she made me get supplies or do chores, forcing me to train at night.

   I was already out the door when mom shouted through the upstairs window, "Good Luck today honey, I Love you!!". I ignored her and kept going. "DONT IGNORE ME YOU BRAT!" and so, I started off the day getting hit in the head with a shoe.

   Seeing the gates to UA again was nice. The first time was tense, of course I knew I'd get in, but I love the feeling of competition.

   I walk through the large front doors and turn toward where I think the classroom will be. The crowd was dense and I knew my chances of being first in the class were low.

   Being first in class, however stupid this sounds, makes me feel like I won, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Every exam or challenge, I will win, especially against (y/n).

   I stumbled forward a bit as someone ran into my back. I whip around and yell, "Watch it!" And as if my thoughts summons her, (y/n) was there. I noticed I let my guard down when I saw her so I harden my features to hide it. "Wow, you got in, color me impressed."

   Without saying anything she walked around me curtly. I was going to let her go until someone's body blocked my view of her. Not being able to see her made me feel. . .

   I began walking to catch up to her. Why do I feel this way? She cant have a second quirk, that's impossible, but if she does, that means she's more powerful than me. I won't let this stand.

   She must have noticed me behind her, " Can't find your way, wittle Kacchan? Did all your friends run away from that scawy face of yours, so now you need to follow me?" The voice she used was the same as when she was talking to that young boy, but worse.

   "Oh please! As if you know any better where you're going, shitty girl!"

   "Nope! Not a single issue here, other than you." Her voice rang. She took a left, I can't believe I didn't see it before, the door to class 1-A. Not only is she in my class, but she got there before me. Maybe she did know where she was going?

   I almost ran into her because she had stopped, I don't think she noticed. I walked past her, slid open the door, and mocked, "Me 1, you 0". I walked through. Sure I wanted to stay and watch her reaction, but that would be a waste of my time.

   I heard her rushed footsteps but ignore them. " 0? So it's a competition now? Please, I already have you beat." She's right, she does have me beaten, she probably has 2 quirks. No what the hell am I saying, no way I'll loose to this shitty girl. Next opportunity I get, I'll crush her.

   I turned around to make another remark, of how I had saved her, but instead saw her smiling. This made me feel nauseous, did her quirk activate when she smiled? With small mannerisms, or is she doing something I'm not seeing.

   I decide to ask her, she's such an idiot she might give it away by mistake. "Hey! Why are you smiling like that?!" She stopped smiling, and I felt even worse. She has to have a second quirk, but maybe it's not smiling?

   "My word! You know what a smile is? And here I thought you wouldn't because no one smiles around you." Her tone pissed me off.

   "SHUT UP!" I snapped. " You don't know what you're talking about plenty of people smile around me, you just did!" I felt heat rise in my face. It sounded as if we were a couple fighting. The thought of being a couple made me blush more.

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