Entrance Exam Arc

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1st POV
   I was 13 years old when I decided to become a hero. It was when Kacchan burnt IzuKun's note book.

   I was the only one in the class other than them and Kacchan's misfits. None of them noticed me because... I did nothing to stop it. I watched as Kacchan blew up the notebook and threw it into the pond. I saw through the window as IzuKun shooed the fish away from his soiled book.

   Back then my reasoning was because my quirk was weak, that nothing I did could stop Kachan. I was an Idiot. IzuKun was my friend, I should have been there.

   I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I was hitting my punching bag. Why was I recalling this now? Looking down to my bandaged hands I noticed the blood seeping through and started to laugh lightly. I over did it again. Now realizing the tear wasn't from the sudden memory, but the sheer pain, I stopped and walked from my garage.

   I ran my hands under cool water in my kitchen. Of course it wasn't from the memory, my tears for that have since dried.

   "TOMORROW IS THE PRACTICAL EXAM!" my sister yelled down to me from her perch on top the loft. I rolled my eyes.

   "Oh really, I figured it was yesterday!" Making sure to add the oh so necessary sarcasm. I moved to the paper towels to dry my hands, before rebandaging them. A force hit the back of my head so I turned to see a pillow on the floor, along with my sister peering down from the loft.

   I stared into her eyes, and she mine, until we both started laughing at each other. The laughter died down eventually and I picked up the pillow and threw it back at her. The pillow stopped just short of her face and dropped. "Hey! We agreed on no quirks in the house!!" I playfully yelled at her.

   "All is fair in love and war, and we, dearest (y/n), are in both." She said in a false wise tone. We both broke out in fits of laughter again. "Mom is gonna make dinner when she gets back from work."

   "YAY! Mom's cooking!"

   "But by the time she gets home, you should be in bed for the exam tomorrow." I drew a sigh of relief. I love her, but her cooking is not something Gorden Ramsay would be proud of. "I'll make dinner for you in a second."

   "Thank you!!" I totally could cook for myself, but my cooking is about the level of my mom's, and I don't need to be poisoned for Tomorrow.

   I leave no trace that my sister ever cooked anything and run to go to sleep. It's only 8:30, but using my quirk while tired isn't the best option. Before I could close my eyes, my sister barges in. "Hey, I know you are going to do well tomorrow, don't be nervous."

   I'm actually not nervous, I know I should be, but it's not kicking in. The fact that there will be tons of other kids trying to get into UA, or that some of them have been training their entire lives while I have only been training for the better half of a year.

   Ok, now nervous.

   "You're a horrible sister, ya'know that, Yukimi." I say that, but I know she's only doing this to get the nerves out now. I hug her tightly. Once we release each other we talk until I fall asleep.

   The ballet music Mr. bear and I were dancing to turned into an emergency alarm. The bear's soft fur melted away to show it's animatronic base. The walls of the grand Ball room morph into the scene of outside, and in front of me lay the gates to UA. The ground starts shaking and the alarm gets louder. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

   I sit up abruptly and hit my head of something. I open my eyes to see Fukimi freaking out. "Your head! I need to bandage it, but youre late! Oh no oh no!" She was running the length, the width, hell she was running the hight of my room in a panic.

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