The sports Festival 2

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hi we're going to ignore the fact the
That the changes I made completely ruin the canon festival. everything else is the same 'kay?

the bracket is the same except you and Tsuburaba replace mina and Aoyama

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the bracket is the same except you and Tsuburaba replace mina and Aoyama. But they still magically get to fight anyways. This is important because you have to go through Tsuburaba and (canonically) bird boi. To beat Katsuki's ass (if you actually win)


The battles ended how you would expect them to. IzuKun beat the purple haired kid. And apparently I lucked out when I didn't respond to him because IzuKun almost walked himself right out of the arena under the kid's quirk.

   Todoroki destroyed poor Sero. Denki lost to a class 1-b girl with vine hair. It was a one sided battle but Denki should've thought about a strategy other than going straight for it. Everyone knows vines don't conduct electricity.

   Iida's fight was not even a fight, but an advertisement for her babies. Mina beat Aoyama. Now it was my turn.

   I was already in the arena waiting for Tsuburaba to come out. I was thinking about his quirk and realized I never actually saw him use it. He can harden the air he breathes out. Option 1 is to stir the air that is around him so the air he breathes out isn't around long enough for him to use. Option 2 is to let him use it so I can show off my quirk a little more.

   This whole festival is about getting recognized by pro heros after all. Knowing that I choose option 2. He finally walks out and it was only seconds before Midnight started the round.

   I took my chances and ran at him. He inhaled deeply and blew air out. His quirk is air he breathes out, if I use my quirk to detect a large concentration of carbon dioxide I can tell where he hardened it. Sure enough I could sense a large circle in my path of unmoving carbon dioxide.

   I slid under it and jumped up just in time to land a hit on him. His eyes were wide because I dodged his seemingly invisible shield. I landed hit after hit and wouldn't let him get a good breath in.

   He quit trying to use his quirk and focused on blocking and returning blows. When it was an even fist fight he took the chance to use his quirk. Once again he took a large breath in and blew out. I didn't have time to dodge or stop my punch so I ended up hitting the shield.

   Blood trickled from my knuckles, "Damn, I didn't give you enough credit, Tsuburaba."

   "No, you didn't!" He went around and attempted to hit me from the side.

   I took this as a que to jump up and instead of his fist connecting with me it hit his own shield. Blood came from his fist and all I could think was karma. I hold no ill will towards him, but I still want to win.

   While he was put off by me dodging he didn't notice I wasn't falling as quick as I should've been. I used my quirk to slow my descent as I waited for the perfect moment. When I saw it I changed the direction my o2 was flowing and pushed myself down to the ground. With momentum on top of my quirk I had enough force that when I landed my kick, he was KO'd.

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