The sports Festival pt 1 & 2(Kacchan Edition)

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   I didn't do well training blindfolded. I could dodge attacks and maneuver well, but when it came to dodging knives I failed miserably.

   Tomorrow is the festival and to take a break from training y/n invited me over for dinner. I'm sure it was Yukimi's idea. I walk into her house and she was already half way down the stairs to greet me.

   "Kacchan! It's been awhile, unfortunately for you it's not enough time to train, because I will destroy you!"

   "Hey Chief, pretty strong words for a loser."

   She responded with a sarcastic quip.

   Yukimi came down to greet me too. She said she hasn't even started dinner and that we should go canoodle.

   "WHAT THR HELL YUKIMI WE AREN'T DATING!" We shout at her together. I know I said it too, but why does she feel that way about me?

   Y/n and I go to her room to play darts. The bet this time around is loser has to dance infront of Yukimi, and I am not going to do that.

   The game flew by quickly it was my turn and the last move. I tossed the dart and it landed exactly where I aimed. "See! I knew I would win this time!" She was silent, probably upset she lost.

   "You're head is stuck in the past, mate. If I remember correctly that is exactly where you needed to hit last time to win."

   "What!" I look back to the board. "Not it's not!"

   She cackled like a mad man. She looks insane, but adorable. "You idiot!" She went on and on about how I could've won or at the very least tied.

   "Fine. Whatever. You win." I can't believe I have to dance infront of Yukimi. I can't believe I said that. I only said the first thing that came to mind because she was on me about what I meant by double or nothing.

   I'm sure it won't because Yukimi knows how y/n is, but what if it changes the was Yukimi thinks about me? She trusts me to help y/n. She doesn't even know about how y/n is willing to use her quirk now so she might think I'm useless.

   "Look man, if you really don't want to do it," like a ray of sunshine she is going to give me an alternative. "Too bad." I spoke to soon, she's evil. She's a rotten apple. But those are usually sweeter, right? "If it makes you feel any better I will lend you a dress to wear while you dance."


   And. . . I'm in the bathroom changing. It was a cute little blue dress. I'm surprised she has clothes this girly. I wonder how she would look in it.

   I step into it and attempt to pull it up. It got stuck and instead of trying any harder I left it that way. I didn't want to risk stretching it because I hold out hope I can see her in it one day.

   I look in the mirror and cringe. At the beginning of the year I would never have foreseen myself in this predicament. ('cringe' because last time he looked in the mirror yall's dirty minds came into play) I walked out of the bathroom and she wasn't paying attention at first.

   When she saw me her expression lit up, "Oh my." She brings her hand to her mouth, "oh my."

   She was looking me up and down for a second. She kept muttering 'oh my' under her breath.

   "SHUT UP!" I can't believe I was the one to propose this.

   She snapped some pictures and I could've killed her. She sent them to the class. I snatched the phone from her hands and stuffed it into the top of the dress.

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