Level Up

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   "Class dismissed" Aizawa just finished a lecture on appropriate quirk use. Now it's finally time for lunch!! All day was painful because I skipped breakfast. I waited for Kacchan at my desk. When he finally came over I stood up.

   "About time, c'mon." I walked past him shoving my bag into his chest.

   "What the hell?!"

   Picking up my pace when I hear him follow, "Yukimi wasn't home so I didn't eat breakfast. Now march soldier!" I kept speeding up, weaving through people. Kacchan was having trouble keeping up because of his larger frame.

   The occasional, "Outta my way extra!" Could be heard along with "Slow down, Shortcake!"

   Everytime he called out to me I sped up. Eventually I got to the end of the lunch line. Kacchan was taking forever, I kept an eye on the door waiting for him to come in. "You can move up." The kid behind me said.

   "Oh, I'm sorry you can go ahead I'm waiting for someone." I stepped out of line to wait for him. Only because he has my bag and my money is in it though. He wasn't that far behind me I don't think.

   He walked through the lunchroom doors looking off set. "Who shoved a stick up your ass?"

   "Aren't you starving?"

   "Yes! Gimme my bag!" He walked into line while I began to get my wallet. It wasn't in it's usual place which worried me. I have All Mights class so we'll be training. Training on an empty stomach will just be annoying.

   When I still couldn't find it I sulked to the table where Kacchan and the others were. When I didn't have a tray with me, Kacchan raised an eyebrow. "(Y/n)!!" Ashido threw her arms around me.

   "Hey Ashido!" I hugged her back.
   "Don't call me that!"

   "Huh, Why? Did I do something wrong?" I don't remember doing anything to her.

   "Not at all, I just thought it wasn't fair that I called you by your first name and you don't call me mine." Relief waved over me.

   "Oh, haha ok, Mina!"

   "You can call me Eijiro from now on, too!"

   "Hey! It's not fair that you said it before me!!" Kaminari playful hit Kirish- Eijiro's arm before looking back toward me. "Me too, (y/n)!!"

   "Okay" I smile at them.

   "Where's your food?" Kacchan bluntly adds in.
   "Oh yea where is your food? You aren't hungry?" Mina asks me.

   "Oh, um, no." I lie. No reason to make them feel bad over something so stupid. Mina sat down and I sit next to her.

   "Sit here." Kacchan gestures to the seat next to him.


   "Because I said so!" He shouts gruffly.

   I stand up, "Aye aye Cap'n. Only because you asked so nicely." When I sit down he pushes a book in front of me. "And what's this, my good sir?"

   "You didn't study for the test tomorrow, these are practice problems I made for you."

   "Awe, how sweet!" I love the face he makes when I mock him. A mixture of pissy and pissy, a great combo.

   I look at the problems he made and they were simple enough. It was mostly exponents. I understand all of the rules of exponents, it's just putting them into practice that gets me.

   I start the worksheet and Kacchan just looks over my shoulder. After completing a problem he bumped the top of my head with his fist. "Hey! That hurt!"

I Hate the Way You Hate Me (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now