Foolish Girl (Kacchan Edition)

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I was on a team with glasses. I don't care. Deku has been lying to me, I need answers. If I can take down (y/n) in the process I will. Something about her isn't right. The way I feel around her is. . . It just isn't right.

Glasses placed the bomb on the top most floor. He was going on about how he should patrol while I guard the bomb, but the moment the test started I ran through the building.

I don't care who I find first. I will take them both down. I heard laughter in the hall in front of me. It was hers. Why is she laughing. What did Deku say? She must be laughing at him because they never hang out.

She wouldn't pick him over me- what am I thinking?! To block out any more unnecessary thoughts I jumped out and hit them. Deku had pushed her out of the way. Does he think he's a hero now?! Just because he has a quirk he can barely control!

Both of them dropped into a fighting stance. Fine I'll just take both of them out and win. (Y/n) looked back then ran away. Dammit! Now I'll have to chase after her when I'm done with Deku.

I begin to run toward him, "I won't do so much damage that this fight gets stopped, but I'm gonna get close!" I go in for a right hook, but Deku grabs my arm and uses my momentum against me.

I land in my back. I can't believe it. "You usually start with a big right swing. My 'Deku' isn't always going to mean 'useless'!!" What the hell is he saying?! "My 'Deku' means 'YOU CAN DO IT!!'"

I stand up and get ready to blast him again, "Deku. . ." I let small explosions in my hand go off, "that's what I HATE ABOUT YOU!"

"What happened!?" Glasses's voice came through the ear piece.

"Just shut up and defend. I'm really angry right now!" I shut me ear piece off. I'm angry right now. Angry at Deku. Angry about (y/n). I can't take it anymore. I propel myself to kick Deku, but he blocks me.

While I was still in the air he tried to use capture tape on me, so I retaliated with another right hook. He dodged.

Why can he read my moves! What the hell have I missed?! He's the same Deku as always but. . . "WAS IT FUN TRICKING ME ALL THIS TIME?!" He had run down a hall and I gave Chase. "HUH?! YOU'VE GOT A FLASHY QUIRK THERE, DON'T YOU?!"

I kept chasing him and I found him at the entrance of another hall. "Thought I wouldn't catch up?! DIE!!"

He turned to me, "KACCHAN WAIT!" From somewhere I couldn't see at the time, a man walked in front of me and I stopped mid punch, unintentionally.


"Woah woah woah there. Hey kid, look around." There were. . . Villains?

"What are you standing around for Deku, let's kick some ass!" I got down into a fighting stance, and Deku followed my lead. This is how it's supposed to be. Him following me, not the other way around.

There were alot of them, but none of them could beat me. "Feisty little children, tsk tsk tsk." The man began to laugh. An ear ringing laugh. The more it filled the room the more I wanted to punch him. I let off explosions and his laughter died down. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Hehehe."

"WHY THE HELL NOT!" My explosions got more intense. Some of those behind him shrunk away.

"Because I have hostages. Hehehehe"

"Yea, where are they, huh?!"

"Why, it's the whole school! I have bombs everywhere, hehehe. If you wait for reinforcement, that won't come, I'll blow the school. I'll un arm the bombs if you do as I say. Kehehe."

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