Guilt and Fingerprints (Kacchan Edition)

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   It was the day after the practical exam and I was sent out by the hag to buy some groceries. The only thing she actually wanted was instant coffee. I have no idea how to navigate this store, normally I go to the one closer to my house, but it was out of coffee.

   I've been weaving through the isles for awhile now and just as I turn the corner of the last isle, I see the most annoying runt ever. She was grabbing instant coffee from the shelf and luckily for me, she didn't see me.

   I don't want to deal with her yelling, or her in general. She would probably say she was going to make me apologise to Deku. I'd like to see her try. I leave the store, not succeeding in my mission, but instead going to the park.

   Days like this are peaceful, I'm taking a break from my training so I have nothing better to do anyways. I find a shady tree that's a bit farther from other people and sit down. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and drift off.

   " 'scuse me, kiddo." That voice, I know that voice. What the hell is she doing. Did she follow me. I open my eyes and don't see anyone around, but to my left, a bit farther away, is (y/n) talking to some kids.

   She's between a little boy and girl, crouched down talking to the little boy. "Why don't we just say sorry and walk away?" What is her obsession with apologies. They're little kids, why should it matter what they do? She's always in everybody's business.

   "Why should I, hag!" The little boy yelled at her and I started laughing.

   "Hag? I'm not even- doesn't matter." How can she stay so calm, if that brat acted that way to me I'd of yelled at him. "You should, kiddo, because bullying is mean. What do you want to be when you're older?"

   "A hero, duh" I laugh more, this kid is great.

   "Really?! Oh wow, can I tell you a secret?" The kid nodded and she leaned to whisper into his ear. I didn't hear what she said, but whatever it was, the kid just had a complete attitude change. "So, I'm gonna tell you this once, bullies don't become heros. Why don't you help her up and I'll put in a good word for you, 'kay?"

   She smiled as he walked over to the little girl, and I got this weird feeling. I felt full, but empty at the same time. What the hell is this. It feels horrible, make it stop.

   I just keep looking at the girl smile, and the feeling continues, as does this internal battle. It's her fault, what is she doing? She knows I'm here doesn't she. What's her quirk?

   "Hey!" A deep voice snapped me out of it, or was it because she stopped smiling. Is that her quirk?

   The voice came from a large man behind her. "Did you just tell my kid he can't be a hero?!" I don't understand why, but its making me angry that he's talking to her like that. But she's not using her quirk anymore? Or is she?

   She's so annoying I hate her. She can deal with that asshole alone. "No, no not at all sir. I was just telling him how heros are kind and don't act like bullies" she smiles again.

   This time I feel guilt, why, what is this feeling it's awful. "NOW YOU'RE TELLING ME MY SON'S NOT A GOOD KID!?" I looked around and saw that everyone in the park was looking at the scene, and none of them were on (y/n)'s side, a few of them even pulled for their phones.

   (Y/n) put her hands up in surrender, but the guy took it as a threat and started to attack. A red substance was produced from his hands and it was thrown towards her.

   I was about to jump in, to protect the kids, when the substance stopped right before them. Her quirk? What is her damn quirk?

   The kids screamed and it appeared as if (y/n) didn't even know they were still there.

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