Quirk Assessment Test pt2 (Kacchan Edition)

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   "The winner gets to control the other until summer, so simple even you could understand it."

   That was what she said. So on the next test, grip strength, I gave it my all. When it calculated my final score I point it in (y/n)'s direction. It seemed to have lit a fire under her ass because she looked determined.

   When her score was calculated she pointed it to me and. And it was higher. I guess her quirk can be used in alot of these situations, but mine is far more stable. I'm not afraid to use it fully, unlike her.

   Next was the sandpit, I used the same tactic I used during the sprints. It appears (y/n) did too. She flew all the way out of the sandpit, barely 1 foot farther than me.

   That little showoff, she did it just to spite me. I'm sure my scowl was noticable, but I don't care.

   Soon enough it was the ball throw. I already threw, so all I had to do was sit back and watch her fail. Before her was round face, she threw an infinity. I was actually impressed.

   Before (y/n) went up she said something and the people around her laughed. She looks so happy around them, why does she stop smiling when I'm around?

   She walked into the circle and appeared to be muttering to herself. It took that rat forever, but she finally threw it. Incredibly straight actually. Aizawa showed her score, and it was higher than mine.

   What ever her sister said about her holding back had to have been a lie. There is no way she is stronger than she is now. Even if she is, it'll just make beating her more fun.

   I glare at her and she just smiles at me. She knows it'll piss me off, I wont give her the satisfaction. Even though it burns my insides.

   Deku was next. When he threw barely 50 meters, I can't say I was surprised. He is going to go home. A quirkless loser like him shouldn't become a hero. Something about this whole thing did bother me, why does (y/n) look so crushed about Deku?

   Aizawa had wrapped Deku in his raggedy scarf, apparently he was a pro. Deku was released and went to throw again. Why does he get a second chance, because he's quirkless?!

   When he threw, anger was the only thing I felt. Why had he not told me about his quirk? We knew each other for so long. Did he do it because he pitied me? Because he thought his quirk was stronger? Because he thought that I was weaker than him?

   I began to charge forward. I need answers, I don't care if I need to hurt him to get them.
"DEKU!" I was stopped by someone grabbing my arm. "What the hell are you doing!" He betrayed her too, and for some reason, that bothered me more. "AREN'T YOU PISSED THAT HE DIDN'T TELL US HE HAD A QUIRK!"

   I tired to continue on, lighting explosions to scare her away, but I forgot who I was dealing with. The explosions quickly faded thanks to her quirk. "Sure I'm a little upset, but I'm not going to hurt him because of it!"

   She doesn't understand. He lied to us. I went to get away, but something wrapped around my wrist. "2"


   "2, That wound have made the second time today." I had no idea what she was talking about, until I realized that my arm was raised.

   I did it self consciously. A pang in my heart made me realize. Guilt, that was the feeling that I had all those other times.

   Why would I feel guilty? She got in my way.

   Aizawa lectured Deku and I, but I was too busy thinking about what happened to listen. He let us go, to continue the rest of the tests.

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