First Day

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   I've been in class for a week now. Everything died down for the most part. No one mentions it anymore. On my first day back everyone was just staring at me or asking what happened. Even the people in the halls or in lunch were aware of my being back.

   Media was going crazy in my absence. It was the first day of school and this is UA on top it all. Everyone knew me now. I was the wimp from the hero course who can't hold her own. Ashido says no one sees it that way, but I do and that's all that matters.

   Class was over I began to pack my bag. Before I finished I realized something. "Kacchan!" He was almost out the door when I called him.

   "What do you want, Shortcake?" Eh, I forgot about that. His tone was gruff so I thought it best to keep messing with him.

   "My bag."

   "What about it?. . . Shortcake." Damn him, he added it just to bug me.

   "You seem to remember that part of the bet. Sadly you forgot the important part." I just stared at him directly in the eyes. He didn't make eye contact back. He's probably upset that the bet is still in play.

   He came back and ripped my bag from my hands and walked out. What a child. He lost so what's his deal? I walk to lunch. He sits at my table, regrettably, so I don't worry about retrieving my bag.

   At the table something dawned on me: IzuKun. "Hey Kacchan!"

   "Tch" he kept eating.

   "Come with me." I got up and walked away, he followed. Despite being an ass, I knew he wouldn't back out of our deal.

   I walked to IzuKun's table and Kacchan seemed weary of what was about to happen. IzuKun, Iida, Tsu, and Todoroki looked at us curiously. "What's up?" I sat down and when Kacchan went to I stopped him, "servants don't sit."

   He just looked at me, but not in the eyes. What is his problem? Does he think he's above me or something? "What's up (y/n)?" IzuKun was visibly uncomfortable by Kacchan's presence.

   "Can you come with me? It'll only take a second, I just have to talk to you." He nodded, we both stood and walked out of the lunch room. Kacchan in tow. This year is going to be obnoxious, but I know it's worse for him. It's worth it.

   "So what did you want to talk about?"

   "I know I've said it before, but I'm sorry I didn't do anything back then, even though you helped me."

   IzuKun started to wave his hands frantically, "You have nothing to be sorry about, I don't think anyone would've done differently!"

   "But they should have. Remember that promise I made you on the day of the entrance exams? Well, I'm here to fulfill it!" IzuKun looked confused at first until I pushed Kacchan forward. "Kacchan, I want you to apologise to IzuKun."

   "What?! No way in hell!"

   "You have to! Why do you have to be so selfish?! Even when we were attacked it was you who decided everything! You have a hero complex and have to take it out on everyone around you!" I pause for a moment. "I'm not asking you to hug or anything because I doubt anyone would want that from you, just an apology.

   Come find me when you're done."

   I walk away. That's when I realize. Does IzuKun want an apology? It was always clear that Kacchan had some type of competition between them. This is the first year I've seen IzuKun fight back. During the training, he wanted to fight Kacchan.

   Their competition has been driving them both.

   I have to stop it. I began to run back. I don't want to mess anything up for IzuKun. Watching Kacchan suffer will have to wait.

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