Strange Obstacles (Kacchan Edition)

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   I'm almost with finished the obstacle course. After dinner at (y/n)'s house every night I would come work on it. It's the night before and only a few things need to be done.

   When I look at the finished product it doesn't look hard enough. What If I put something stupid in the beginning to tire her out the rest of the way? I go to the trash pile to figure out what I can do. That's when I see the perfect thing.

   I fill the fridge with copious amounts of anything. My plan is it'll take a lot of stamina, even with her quirk, to push it. Hopefully it will make the rest of the course a pain.

   When I finished it was time to test. There are a lot of things I want to do, but kill her is not one of them. That's when mom called me.

   "What do you want hag!"

   "It's late, where are you?! Come home right now!!" I look at the time and it is later than I normally leave.

   "Whatever." I hang up and leave the beach to go home. I ignore the rest of her calls.

   . . .

   "WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?!" I was welcomed home with mom hitting my head and screaming at me. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY CALLS YOU INCONSIDERATE BRAT!!"

   After a considerable amount of arguing I went to my room. Out of nowhere I thought about that imitation crab. What is his quirk that he can appear in reflections?

   . . .

   It was finally the day everyone in class joins together to watch (y/n) fail. No I don't really believe She'll do terribly, she's actually pretty strong when it comes down to it.

   I met (y/n) by the corner we meet to go to school and brought her to the beach. The rest of the class was already there. I watched her face as she saw my amazing obstacle course I created. A hint of amazement showed before, "So you're a dumpster diver now?"

   "Shut up! It was just in that pile!!"

   The time was about to start and I wished her luck. She didn't walk away before mocking me again for using trash.

   The first obstacle was my quick add on, the fridge. While she was pushing it I couldn't help but laugh. She was so sure she would win. By her final push the door of the fridge swung open to reveal the genius behind it.

   "SERIOUSLY?!" She yelled. A few of the extras laughed but I just smirked.

   Next was the wall. I watched as (y/n) was getting ready to go right over with her quirk. Maybe I made it too easy. "Without your quirk." Hagakure said. Luckily (y/n) didn't look over to me because the surprise was written all over my face. Who knew Hagakure had an evil side.

   (Y/n) started to climb the wall not without a few comments. "Look at her-" I glared at Mineta and Dunce face.

   Half way up the wall it began to shake and eventually crumble. Everyone shouted for her to get off but it didn't seem like she heard anything. She seemed really focused on getting over. It's admirable really. Times like these I'm not actually embarrassed to like her.

   It was short lived but it terrified me she would get hurt. When she landed on the ground and all of my work was on the ground relief washed over me. It's definitely a strange feeling but I have a hunch it'll be constant.

   "WHAT THE HELL?! WERE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!!" she shouted. Guilt overcame me because I remember I never actually got the chance to test it out.

   "IT'S NOT MY FAULT IT COULDN'T HOLD YOUR WEIGHT!" I didn't mean to say that.


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