Foolish Children

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   The teams have been decided. The idea of this training is that indoor combat is more likely. The villains must hide a fake bomb within the building, and the heros must find it within the time limit. Both must be courteous of the structure.

   Heros can't damage it because it could harm civilians and villains shouldn't because it's their base. Simple enough.

   My partner and I were up first. (This is where I take the plot by the throat and toss it into the abyss(more than I had)) IzuKun and I had to wait while Kacchan and Iida placed the fake bomb.

   I was incredibly happy about both having IzuKun on my team and going against Kacchan. "Hey, IzuKun. If I'm right, Kacchan will stay with the bomb and Iida will be patrolling the building."

   "I was thinking the same thing." He nodded and went into mumbling. I wish I could talk to him, but I should focus.

   "Because my quirk is most effective against Kacchan, I'll go look for the bomb while you fight Iida." He looked at me and nodded again. Although he didn't look fully convinced. "Do you want to do something else?"

   Before he could respond, our cue to go in came. We walked into the building, agreeing so stay quite Incase we hear something that would give them away. I was specifically looking for engine sounds.

   After awhile of silence, I cut in. "So, what's with the new quirk?"

   "Oh, i- um well, I guess I'm just. Um. I guess I just got it late. Haha" for goodness sakes, he is an awful liar.

   "Oh, c'mon. You can trust me." He was visibly uncomfortable so I thought I'd give him a break. "You definitely got into some drug testing thing for quirks.!" I laughed and he joined.

   Hopefully he thinks I was messing with him the whole time. I'll stop prying, maybe one day he'll trust me enough. My thought was cut off by explosions and being pushed to the ground.

   Kacchan had ambushed us and IzuKun pushed me out of the way. "Are you okay, (y/n)?"

   I stood up and got between Kacchan and IzuKun. "I'm fine," Kacchan coming here ruined my plan, but I can still fix it. "Change of plans, I'll take him, you go find Iida!"

   IzuKun didn't move, so I looked back and saw him in a fighting stance. I guess they still have a score to settle, how didn't I notice before. "Never mind!" I go on my way and in passing say into his ear, "we both know who's better, prove it!"

   I ran up flights of stairs. Now this really messes with my plans. How can I take on Iida? I could always just take the air from him. Maybe from his engines? No, I shouldn't mess with something I don't understand.

   I don't want to permanently disable him. Which adds something to my to-do: read up on machinery.

   The sounds of explosions seemed to die down for now, and I'm almost at the top floor. Every step gets more and more annoying. Everytime I feel tired I fill my lungs with fresh oxygen. Until finally, I see Iida.

   I hide behind a pillar, looking at what he's doing. Omg he's talking to himself like a Villain. I struggle to subside my laughter, and begin to think of a plan.

   Logically, he probably thinks that I'm downstairs. This is a huge advantage. Only if he thinks the same way as me. He is prepared for a head on attack. So if I just temporarily paralyze him and tag the bomb. It will be a quick victory.

   I tell my plan to the earpiece, but IzuKun doesn't respond. Maybe it just got busted in the fight. It doesn't matter, he isn't really a key player in this plan anyways.

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