Level Up (Kacchan Edition)

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"Class dismissed" Aizawa zipped his sleeping bag and flopped to the floor.

Shitty hair came over to my desk, "So when are ya gonna make your make your move?"

"The hell you mean, shitty hair?"

"When are you gonna ask (y/n) out?

"I'm not gonna, mind your own damn business!"

Shitty Hair held up a finger and shook his head, "That's not very manly of you. You should ask her as soon as possible. We're in the hero course who knows what could happen next."


"C'mon Bakubro"

"NO! SHE-" I glanced back at her to see if she was paying attention. Her head leaned on her hand. Her face seemed pale. "She hates me, she'd never agree."

I stood up pushing past him to (y/n) who was not so patiently waiting. She shoved her bag into my chest and rushed away. "What the hell?!" She really does hate me. I rush after her, she moves quickly for someone with such short legs.

"Yukimi wasn't home so I didn't eat breakfast." That explains the complexion. "Now march soldier!" She sped up. I lost her a bit in the crowd. I could only see her (h/c) hair Bob in and out of the sea of people.

When I couldn't see her at all I got annoyed, "Slow down, Shortcake!" Some kid cut me off, "Outta my way extra!" I pushed past the kid but he grabbed my collar. I spun around and hit his hand off.

That's when I finally got a good look at him. His eyes were the same, though his red and hers (e/c) they were unmistakable. Hair, eyes, even skin tone; they were one in the same. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!"

In a calm, chilling tone he said, "If you can't figure that out, at least you're pretty."

"She doesn't have a brother." I could feel my throat burning in rage. "She would have told me." I wanted to yell. She never told me about him. Actually she never told me about anything I know about her. Yukimi did.

"Half brother. She doesn't know about me." He's wearing a school uniform so he's around our age. From what Yukimi told me her dad didn't leave too long ago. If (y/n) had a half brother he should be only 2 or 3. Unless- "My name is Aito Suzuki I am 17 years old and born of an affair before (y/n) was even a twinkle in her mother's eye."

"What do you want?" I said hiding my surprise.

"I want for you to stay away from (y/n)" His cool voice was giving nothing away, but I could tell he was off.

"Why the hell should I?!"

"I'm just looking out for my baby sister. You aren't good for her."

"LIKE HELL I'M NOT! I'M NOT GONNA LISTEN TO A SINGLE DAMN THING YOU SAY!" My anger got the better of me. Explosions going off in the hand not carrying her bag.

"You will listen to me." His tone stayed even not phased by my shouting. "Because if you don't I can't promise your safety."

I was sick of listening to this. Who gives a shit about that I do whatever the hell I want. I push him away, his eyes looking down on mine. "Fuck. Off." I walk away feeling his eyes burn into the back of my head.

He doesn't care about her. What is he after?

I got into the lunchroom and to my surprise (y/n) was waiting. "Who shoved a stick up your ass?" She's perceptive I'll give her that.

"Aren't you starving?"

"Yes! Gimme my bag!" I left her to riffle through her bag. I needed time to fix my expression. If she could tell somethings up then Pinky definitely can.

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