USJ But not the park pt1

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"Are you sure he's avoiding you?" Yukimi said in disbelief.

"It's been over week! He stopped coming over Sunday then completely ignored me that Monday through now!" I could tell Yukimi had some kind of turmoil. "Ok I have to go to school, love you."

"Love ya , don't let it bother you too much. I'm sure there's a reason, did you piss him off?"

I just laughed sarcastically, "Yea I called him a hedgehog and he blew a fuse."

"No you didn't!" She started laughing.

"No, but now I have ammunition when this all blows over." If it all blows over. What if I actually did something to piss him off? He hasn't even looked me in the eyes since. . . Since the battle training.

Has he hated me since then and is only acting on it now? That makes sense. I did beat him.


School has been going on as normal. As normal as it could be. Kacchan was there first there and should I ever get there before anyone else I would roam the halls. I don't think I could control myself alone with him.

It's no secret my temper has gotten worse since he started to ignore me. I just started getting used to him and he left. It has crossed my mind it pisses me off so much because of my dad but I always push that out of my head.

What pisses me off the most is he stopped talking to the rest of the class too. He's the one acting all sad and precluding himself from things that normally make him happy, but I'm the one who's being ignored. I'm the one getting questioned by our classmates. I'm the one who relied on him. . .

For the first time I thought about what would've happen when the year is over and the punishment ends. Everything we've done together the training, and meals. When it was all said and done with would we really have gone our separate ways? Of course we'd be in the same class, yet.

I cant imagine doing anything without him and yet I have to. I have to do everything without him now. Unexplainable tears pricked my eyes before they could fall I pulled myself from the depths of my mind.

I've done a lot of questionable things in my life but getting sappy over an arrogant bully is definitely at the top. Getting sappy over anyone is something I would call unreasonable.

Even the day dad up and vanished my eyes were clear. He wanted to leave so he left. It's as straight forward as that. Nothing to get emotional about. I felt the tears well up again so I slapped both of my cheeks.

I earned stares from the other people on the street so I laughed awkwardly and walked away. Coming up to the gates of UA there was a large crowd. From the looks of it they were all reporters.

Caught up in the crowd were all of my classmates. I'm not in the mood for any of that so I walked to the edge of the crowd to sneak in by the wall. Unfortunately the reporters are ruthless.

"Are you one of All Mights students?!"

"Uh, yes?"

"What's it like working so close to the symbol of peace?"

"Um, well he"

"What's All Might like in person!"

"He is, um, well. . ." The questions kept pouring in but my answers never left my mouth. It was all very confusing. The wall I tried to use for cover now blocked my escape from the reporters. Slowly my confusion left and anger rose.

I kept it under check though, because they're just civilians doing their jobs. "Hey, I need to get to class please." I smiled all politely waiting for the crowd to split. But noooo of course they wouldn't.

I Hate the Way You Hate Me (Bakugou X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now