Date (Kacchan Edition only)

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Filler episode because I'm camping and don't have the show to go off of for the next episode. This is the date with Ikeda. Also the next ch will take longer because what I could write without the show deleted. Fun times.

"Welp, it seems he forgot. No point in waiting around." She shrugs. It's no lie to say I'm glad he's a no show.

"Don't think you can duck out that easily." The Ikeda kid said, ruining my day. And from (y/n)'s dejected face I could see her day was ruined too.

"Oh, you're here." She said.

"Yea, and so is he." I glared at him. Even if I didn't want to be here I'd have figured out a way to crash the date.

"Mhm, were you expecting anything less?" The momentary happy feeling I felt left when she continues, "he's my lacky. Where I go he goes." Well, I shouldn't have expected anything less.

"Hmm. Where are we going?"

"You're the one taking me. I figured you'd plan something like a gentleman."

They decided to just walk until they found something they wanted to do. During the walk the bastard thought it'd be a grand idea to put his arm around (y/n). Before I could act and rip his arm off, she elbowed his stomach and grabbed his arm. Holding it behind his back she warned, "Don't come within 5 feet of me again, or I'll set Kacchan on you again."

"Again? I believe I did that of my own fruition." I mocked.

"And you! You keep your mouth shut this whole time. You're just a third party here." I just nodded my head. No reason to anger the beast.

"You can let go now." Ikeda said feebly. (Y/n) looked back clearly forgetting she was holding him in a painful way. She let go and he doubled over to hold his stomach. I had to stifle a laugh.

Somewhere down the line she began to enjoy herself a little more. Needless to say my time there got worse. The more comfortable (y/n) got the more he got away with. It was as if she was absent as he tried to make moves.

I shut most of them down just by looking at him. The ones I couldn't were dirty things he'd say. (Y/n) didn't get any of it so she didn't say anything about it. It was honestly just depressing. She never caught on to any of them.

While walking down the sidewalk, me trailing behind, we came across an escape room. (Y/n) walked right passed probably because she never wanted to spend money she didn't have to. The bastard stopped in front of it. "Hey, let's go in there." He pointed towards it.

Hesitantly she walked back agreeing. Inside was the classic cheesy decor you'd expect in an escape room. Gears and locks on the walls and random codes. We walk to the front desk where Ikeda pays for 2 people. "I don't need you paying for me." She says.

She walks towards the counter to put her money up. "But I'm a gentleman." She rolls her eyes. I go up next only to be interpreted by, "You know you're not coming, right?"

I open my mouth to talk before (y/n) tells me to shut up. "Yes, he is. I highly doubt we'd get out with only you."

I smile cockily at him as we follow the woman into the room. She puts on a video giving the story behind us being trapped. Pirates captured us and they'll be gone for an hour while they plunder our village. When they come back they'll make us walk the plank.

It was one large room seperated by cage bars. On the opposite side was a desk. We were told our goal was to open it's drawer.

On our side one wall had wood carvings of letters across from it was a decorative compass. I quickly made the correlation the carvings were directions on the compass. Nnw, or sne were some of the letters on the carvings.

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