Part 4

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Peter's POV:

I wake up to find out that everyone else has left, except Wanda. I smile, at myself when I see her sleeping body, leaning on me. I carefully, to not wake her up, move her body, so it's resting into the pillows.

I leave the room, only to find Steve, Clint, Sam, Bucky, and Nat. Steve is talking to Nat, in the kitchen. Clint, Sam, and Bucky are sitting on the couch, talking.

''Morning, loverboy.'' Bucky teases, attracting everyone's attention to me.

''Shut up.'' I say, feeling blood, rushing to my cheeks.

''You two looked comfortable.'' Clint says, snickering

I give him a glare, before sitting down at the kitchen table, as Steve passes me a plate with bacon and eggs.

I finish my breakfast and put the plate in the sink, before heading to the elevator. The door opens  and I press the button to the 4th floor, after walking in.

I get ready and head to the elevator, grabbing my water bottle and phone. I walk into the elevator and press the button '90', to get to the training floor. I'm happy, to see that no one else is there, which means that I can turn on the music, without disturbing the others.

I walk over to the speaker and connect it to my phone. I open spotify and turn on my usual workout playlist. I put it on shuffle.


I have been working out, for about 1 and a half hour, when I see the elevator open and Clint, Nat, Sam, and Bucky walk out of it.

''Well hello there, loverboy.'' Sam says, grinning

I roll my eyes at the nickname. I jump down from the pull up pole and walk over to my water bottle. ''I can turn off the music, if you want me to.'' I say

''No, it's fine.'' Nat replies, still chuckling at the nickname.

I roll my eyes again and continue working out, while they practice fighting.

30 minutes later

I put down the weights, pull on my shirt, and grab my stuff. ''I'm leaving, see you all later.'' I say, while walking towards the elevator.

''See you, Pete.'' Clint replies

I walk into the elevator and press the button '91', to get to my floor.

As soon as I arrive at my floor, I go and take a shower.


I land on the balcony, after my usual patrol. I stopped a few robberies and dealers.

I take off my suit and head to the bathroom, for a shower.

After I have taken a shower, I dry myself with a towel and get dressed. I don't bother trying to fix my hair, because I think it looks better when it's messy.

I get to the common floor, to find Clint, Sam and Bucky playing videogames, Bruce reading a book and Nat talking to Wanda on the couch. Steve is somewhere else.

Everyone greets me as I sit on the other side of the couch, pulling out my phone.

''So, where were you, Pete?'' Wanda asks me

''Oh, I was in my room, reading.'' I lie, looking up from my phone

''Really? What's with the forehead, then?'' she asks.

Everyone's attention turns to me.

I open the camera app on my phone and turn it to selfie camera, to see a nasty bruise on my forehead. Probably from fighting one of the dealers.

Peter StarkWhere stories live. Discover now