Part 19

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Peter's POV:

I cough, as I'm laying under the debris of a collapsed building. I was fighting a mugger. Thankfully, I got him to the police, but I didn't realize that he had started a fire, that made the building collapse on top of me.

I feel the fire burning every part of my body, as I struggle to lift up the giant pile of dirt and bricks, that is laying on top of me. I can feel it starting to collapse my lung, as I realize that my ribs are broken.

''K-Karen, what a-are my injuries?'' I ask, barely making out the words. There is no response, making me realize that the comm is most likely broken.

I remember that only a few hours ago I was in the tower living room, cuddling with Wanda on the couch. I'm starting to wish that I never left.

I gasp, as I feel myself starting to run out of air. My lungs are full of smoke, making me cough.

I weakly reach for my phone, before lifting up my head, to look at the screen. It's now cracked, but that's not the current problem.

I open my contacts and immediately click my dad's number.

Tony's POV:

I wake up, to my phone ringing. I look at the screen and make out Peter's picture.

I'm starting to get worried. Peter never calls me in the middle of the night, unless it's an emergency.

I get out of mine and Pepper's bed, taking my phone and walking to the bathroom.

''Peter? Why are you calling me in the middle of the night? Are you alright?'' I ask, losing my sleepiness with every word.

''Help.. burning building.. stuck..'' he chokes out before the call cuts off. I can feel myself pale. I storm to the closet, noticing Pepper sit up.

''Tony? Why are you up? What's wrong?'' she asks, sleepily.

''Peter's in trouble.'' I reply. That seems to wake her up.

I quickly dress up. I attach the Arc Reactor to my chest and run to the elevator. I go down to the Avengers' floor and run to Bruce's and Nat's room. I quickly knock and open the door, to find both of them rubbing their eyes.

''Tony? What are you doing here? It's the middle of the night.'' Bruce mumbles.

''Peter's in trouble. Get the med bay ready. NOW!'' I quickly say, not bothering to keep my voice down.

When I start to walk back, everyone is peeking their heads through their doorways.

''Tony, why are you yelling? It's the middle of the night.'' Sam mumbles.

''Peter's in trouble, he needs help.'' I reply, continuing to run towards the windows. I notice Wanda's face lose color.

''Friday, open the window and track Peter's phone.'' I quickly say. I jump out the window, double tapping my Arc Reactor. I feel the suit form around me as I start to fly towards the dot on my suit's map.

I fly to Peter's location and see a collapsed building, which has a fire that's coming to an end.

''Oh, god. Peter.'' I whisper and fly towards the remains of the building.

''Peter? Where are you?'' I call out. I hear a soft groan. I fly towards the sound, to find Peter, buried under a pile of bricks and dirt.

''Oh, god. Peter, what happened?'' I ask, getting the debris off of him. He groans, trying to give me an answer.

''Shh, shh. Don't talk. I'll get you back to the tower.'' I say and pick him up, bridal style.

I start to fly back to the tower, but I notice Peter's mask's lenses starting to close.

Peter StarkWhere stories live. Discover now