Part 28

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I'm sorry, for the late update!

I was supposed to post this chapter more than 13 hours ago, but I wasn't able to. I'm late for some work at school, and I had to finish it. So it took me longer to finish this chapter.

With that said, I hope you enjoy!


Peter's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. I'm instantly greeted by the very familiar flowery scent, of Wanda's hair. I lift my head off the pillows, to see her spooned up, against me.

I smile and nuzzle my face in the back of her neck, trying not to wake her up. I tighten my grip around her waist, as I feel her cuddle closer to me, in her sleep.

Neither of us moves, for the next few minutes. That is, until she groans and stretches, turning around.

''Morning.'' I smile. She rubs her eyes and a smile forms on her face when she sees me.

''Good morning, baby.'' she mumbles, placing her head on my chest. I wrap my arm around her shoulders, as she places her leg over mine.

''What are we doing, today?'' she asks. I turn my head to look at the time, before looking back at her.

''Well, it's 7:10 AM. I have school in 50 minutes. When I come back, I will talk to dad, about the room.'' I reply ''That is if you haven't changed your mind.''

''I haven't and I won't.'' she says, looking up at me ''I want to share a room with you.''

I smile at her before kissing her forehead and sitting up.

''I have to get ready for school.'' I say. She nods and kisses my cheek, before getting out of the bed.

''See you in a few hours.'' she smiles, taking her towel and heading to the bathroom. I then get out of the bed, before leaving her room.

I go up, to my floor. When I leave the elevator, I head to my room and into the bathroom.

After I've taken a shower, I quickly slip on some clothes, before packing my bag and leaving my room. I head to the elevator and go up, to the common floor.

''Morning.'' I say, leaving the elevator. I take 2 pieces of bread and drop them in the toaster.

''Morning, kiddo.'' dad says, ruffling my hair, as he takes a sip of his coffee. A few minutes later, the toast is ready and I quickly eat it, before saying bye to everyone and heading down, to the garage.

I see Happy waiting for me, as I leave the elevator and head towards him. I greet him and get into the car.


''Alright, man. See you tomorrow.'' I say to Ned, as we do our handshake. I then head to the back of the school and get into Happy's car.

It really doesn't take long, before the tower comes into sight. Happy drops me off at the entrance, before driving to the garage.

I enter the tower and head to the elevator. But instead of going to my floor, I head to the common floor.

When the elevator doors open, I'm greeted by multiple 'Hey, Pete!'.

''Hey.'' I smile, walking over to my dad.

''Hey, kiddo. Everything alright?'' he asks. I nod and quickly glance at Wanda, before looking back at dad.

''Can I talk to you?'' I ask. He nods and stands up. We walk to the kitchen and sit at the counter.

''Do you need something?'' he asks. I nod and look at him.

''Wanda mentioned something yesterday, and I thought it was a good idea.'' I start to explain. He nods, motioning me to continue.

''We decided we want to share a room.'' I say. I give him a nervous look, not knowing what his reaction will be.

''And you want my permission?'' he asks. I nod, for an answer.

''Sure, I don't mind. Just don't do anything, we don't need a baby Stark.'' he smirks at me, making me blush, madly.

''Shut up, dad.'' I mumble. He laughs and ruffles my hair, standing up.

''Come on, I have to get back to the others. And you have homework to do.'' he says. I nod, as we leave the kitchen.

As I step into the elevator, I feel a hand slip into mine, locking our fingers. I smile ad turn around, to see Wanda.

''What did he say?'' she asks, making me smile. I can basically feel her excitement.

''He's fine with it.'' I reply. I see a big smile grow on her face, as she pulls me in a hug, jumping and wrapping her legs around my waist.

I chuckle at her actions, as the elevator doors slide open. We leave the elevator, heading to my room.

When I enter my room, I drop my bag on the floor, before sitting on the bed.

''You know, I have to do my homework.'' I say. I feel her tighten her grip, not wanting to let go.

''Can I stay here?'' she mumbles, into my hair. I nod.

''Yeah, if you want to.'' I reply. She nods and releases her grip, sitting next to me.

''Can we spend some time together, after you finish?'' she asks. I smile and nod.

''Sure.'' I reply. She smiles, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a kiss. I gladly kiss her back, as my arms travel around her waist.

The kiss is soft and gentle, as I feel her lips press against my own. A few seconds later, I feel her tongue slip between my lips.

As our tongues press together, the kiss breaks. She gives me a shy smile and kisses my nose, before taking out her phone and laying on the bed.

I get off the bed and sit at my desk, opening my laptop and getting out my books.


So here's another chapter!

Again - I'm really sorry for the late update! I still hope you enjoyed it, though!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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