Part 10

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Peter's POV:

I wake up, but the sunlight coming through my window forces me to close my eyes. I smile, when the memories of last night's evening come flowing back to me.

I check my phone, to find a lot of 'Happy birthday' messages, from Ned and MJ. And then it hits me, it's my birthday! I immediately go and grab my laptop, before facetiming the two of my friends.

Both of them pick up a few seconds later ''Happy birthday, loser.'' MJ says, cracking a smile.

''Happy birthday, Peter! Holy shit! I can't believe, you're turning 16!'' Ned says, excitedly.

I smile ''Thanks, guys. I'm sorry, that we haven't talked much lately. I've been kind of busy.''

''No worries, dude. How does it feel, to live in the Avengers Tower?'' Ned asks.

Yeah, only Ned and MJ know that my dad is Tony Stark.

''It's great! Especially Clint's face when he realized that he can't scare me, by jumping out of the vents.'' I grin at the memory.

''Super hearing?'' MJ asks and I nod in response.

''Oh my god! You're addressing The Avengers by their first names! How cool is that?'' Ned squeals.

I laugh ''I'm starting to feel like you're more excited than me.''

''Trust me, I am.'' Ned replies

I laugh again. ''Alright, I have to go. I'll call you some other time.''

''Happy birthday, loser.'' MJ says, smiling and disconnects from the call.

''Happy birthday, dude!'' Ned says, excitedly.

''Thanks.'' I smile and close my laptop.

I stand up and head to the bathroom. After I've taken a shower I dry myself and put on a light blue T-Shirt with a red hoodie. I slip on some black sweats and black socks.

I leave my room and head to the elevator. I walk into the elevator and press the common floor button.

''Happy birthday, Peter.'' Friday says.

''Thanks, Friday.'' I reply and smile.

When the elevator doors open I can't even manage to say 'Good morning', before I'm cut off with a lout mix of ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!'' and surrounded in a group hug.

I smile at The Avengers. ''Thanks, guys.''

''There's my birthday boy.'' my dad says and ruffles my hair.

''Hey, dad.'' I grin at him.

''Happy birthday, sweetie.'' My mom says and hugs me, kissing the top of my head.

''Thanks, mom.'' I smile at her.

I look at Wanda and she pulls me in a tight hug, I immediately return the hug.

''Happy birthday.'' she whispers in my ear and I smile.

After I've eaten breakfast everyone gives me their gifts. I got some books from Steve and Bucky, lab equipment from Bruce, Russian knive set from Nat, and pranking equipment from Clint and Sam.

''If I'd be you, I wouldn't use those on Nat. She's scary, when she gets pranked.'' Clint whispers and shivers at the memory. I smirk at him.


The elevator doors open and Rhodey walks in. ''Rhodey!'' I grin and hug him, tightly.

''Hey there, birthday boy. How are ya?'' He says, hugging me back.

Peter StarkWhere stories live. Discover now