Part 24

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Peter's POV:

We're currently in the Avengers museum, the last part of the tour. I'm honestly thankful for that.

Caitlin is telling everyone about the origin of Stark Industries. I'm not listening, because I already know that stuff.

When Caitlin is done explaining the origin of SI, she says we can walk around the museum. I walk around examining everyone's old suits. There are holograms of my dad's first suit model, as well as the newest one.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, as I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see Ned.

''Dude, you have to see this.'' he says, excitedly. I follow him and see a Spider-Man suit prototype. There is a hologram of my first homemade suit, as well as my old spandex suit and also the Iron Spider.

I smile, as I read the info on the board.

'First Spider-Man's suit was a homemade disaster. After teaming up with Iron Man, during the accords, he was gifted a new tech suit. The red spandex did its work well, until Tony Stark himself, gave him the Iron Spider, for his birthday.
The Avengers themselves are fully aware of Spider-Man's identity, but no one is planning on revealing it to the public in the near future.'

I smirk at the comment about my homemade suit. I bet my dad wrote this.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, as I hear Caitlin's voice shout across the museum.

''There has been a slight change of plans. Lucky for you, the tour isn't over yet. The Avengers have assigned a Q&A. We'll be heading there now.'' she says. I mentally groan as I know the last bit of my self-confidence is going to get destroyed.

We leave the museum and head to the conference hall. I am so not looking forward to this.

When we enter, everyone is sitting at the front. I see Clint and dad smirk at me. I give them a glare, making their smirks widen.

When everyone sits down, dad stands up and walks to the front.

''Hello, Midtown High! I don't see a reason to introduce myself, as you all already know who we are.'' he flashes us a smile. He smirks, as our eyes meet.

''Now, you can ask us any questions and we will answer them!'' he says. Almost everyone's hands shoot up. Everyone's but mine.

''Yes, you! Ted!'' dad smiles. I roll my eyes. He knows Ned's name, he just calls him that to annoy me. But Ned just seems excited, because dad recognizes him.

''How was it to move back into the tower? You know.. after the accords and everything.'' Ned asks, making the Avengers tense up. Accords are a touchy subject and no one really likes to talk about it.

''It wasn't easy at first. But we're trying to set aside our differences and repair our relationship. The accords really affected it, so we're trying our best to fix that.'' Steve replies. Everyone nods, approving Steve's words.

''You! The girl with curly hair.'' dad says, pointing at MJ. She stands up and looks at Wanda, and Nat.

''How is it, being the only women on the team? Is it difficult, putting up with the male teammates?'' MJ asks, making Nat smirk.

''It's not always easy. But it feels good, knowing that there are only 2 people on the team, with actual brains.'' Nat says, receiving annoyed looks from everyone, except Wanda.

''I have a question for Miss. Maximoff.'' Betty Brant asks. Wanda smiles and nods for Betty to continue.

''Are you dating Peter? Because your encounter with Flash made that impression.'' Betty asks. I see Wanda smile.

''Yes, I am.'' she replies, with a smile. I sink deeper into my seat, as everyone looks at me, in shock. Almost every single one of those looks is filled with jealousy.

I notice Wanda smiling at me. I smile back, as dad starts speaking again.


The rest of the Q&A was boring. Most of the questions were very stupid. Like 'what's your eye color' and stuff like that. As I said, boring.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, as I hear dad finish his speech.

''...and thank you all for coming! I hope you learned something new today, and I hope you had fun! Enjoy the rest of your days, bye!'' he gives us his paparazzi smile.

Everyone stands up and starts to head for the door when my dad speaks again.

''Hey, Teach!'' he calls out. Mr. Harrington turns around and looks at him.

''Yes, Mr. Stark?'' he asks. Dad walks over to him and gives him the death glare. 

''I suggest you do a better job controlling your students. We have security cameras. If I ever see one of your students harassing Peter, we are going to have a problem. Don't try me.'' he says, threateningly. 

Mr. Harrington's face is now pale, as he quickly nods. He then turns around and follows the class.

I stay behind, as I feel dad's arm around my shoulders. I look up, to see him smirking at me. I then turn around and feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck, as a soft pair of lips crash into mine.

I happily kiss her back, as my arms go around her waist. The kiss continues until we hear Clint's voice.

''Come on, keep the kissing to the minimum, will you?'' I pull away, only to see Wanda glaring at Clint.

''I've been waiting all day to do that.'' she says, with a slight pout. I can't help but think how adorable she looks when she does that.

''Well, then you can do that when we're alone. I won't stop you.'' I whisper into her ear. I see a blush appear on her cheeks, as she smiles.

''You know, I'll never forgive you for this.'' I say, scanning them with my eyes. I can't help, but grin, though.

''Of course, you will.'' Nat says, walking over to me and ruffling my hair. Everyone else then comes to mess up my hair, but it ends up in a big family hug.

I smile, in realization. I finally have a family. A big, dysfunctional family. One I never had.


We're currently in Wanda's room. She's laying on top of me, as my arms are wrapped around her.

''Thank you.'' I mumble. She looks up and rests her chin on my chest.

''What for?''

''Standing up to Flash, for me. I really appreciate that.'' I say, making her smile.


''I love you.'' I blurt out, without thinking. I feel my heart skip a beat when I realize what I just said.

I see her look at me, with shock written across her face. I feel myself tense up, as I'm probably going to get dumped in the next 5 seconds.

But instead of saying anything, she attacks my lips with hers. I'm surprised for a moment, but I'm not complaining.

This isn't one of the sweet kisses, though. This is different. This one is more passionate.

The kiss lasts longer than usual, and when it breaks, we're both silently trying to catch our breaths.

''I love you, too.'' she says, with a wide smile. I kiss her forehead, as she rests her head back on my chest.

I stare at the ceiling, not being able to wipe the stupid grin off my face.


So here's another chapter! I hope you liked it!

Votes and comments are very appreciated!

See ya!

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