Part 16

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I don't know about you guys, but where I'm from today is the first day of spring break! Which means a bonus chapter!
I hope you like it, enjoy!


Peter's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. It's finally the weekend. The first week of school is done.

I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. After I've taken a shower I put on some comfortable clothes and leave my room.

I head to the elevator and go to the common floor. When the elevator doors open I step out.

''Morning.'' I greet, heading to the kitchen.  A chorus of 'Morning' is heard.

''What are your plans for today?'' Nat asks, looking at me. I shrug.

''I don't know, I don't really have any.'' I say as I put four pieces of bread in the toaster.

''We want to do a Star Wars movie marathon today. You want to join us?'' Dad asks.

''Hell, yeah!'' I exclaim, excitedly.

A few minutes later the toast is ready and I take it out. I quickly finish my breakfast and put the plate in the sink.

''Come on, we'll get everything ready. You go and wake up Wanda, she's still asleep.'' dad says.

''Okay.'' I say and walk to the elevator. I go down to the Avengers' floor and to Wanda's room.

I knock, softly. No answer. I open the door.

She looks so calm and adorable, cuddled in her Spider-Man themed sheets. I walk over to her bed and crouch next to it.

''Hey, Wanda. You have to wake up.'' I quietly say, gently shaking her shoulder.

Her eyes flutter open and she sits up.

''Hey, baby? What are you doing here?'' she asks, sleepily.

''What did you just call me?'' I ask with a grin. I see her face flush red.

''Sorry.'' she mumbles, trying to hide her blush with her hands. I chuckle.

''Don't be. I like it.'' I grin at her. She smiles at me.

''Go, get ready. We're planning to do a Star Wars movie marathon. Everyone is already up.'' I say, she nods.

''Okay.'' she gets out of her bed and goes to her bathroom. I quickly make her bed and sit down.  I can hear the shower turn on, a minute later.

I look around her room. This is the first time I've been here. It has a big window, a bookshelf, a table in the corner of the room and her bed next to it.

I look around some more, when I hear the shower stop. A minute later I hear the dryer turn on. Another minute passes when it stops. The door opens and she comes out with a T-Shirt and her dirty clothes in her hand.

''I'll wait outside, so you can change.'' I say, before turning around and leaving her room.

A few minutes later she comes out, wearing my hoodie and grey sweatpants.

''Is that my hoodie?'' I grin.

''Maybe.'' she grins back, before grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the elevator.

We both head up to the common floor. When the doors open, everyone has settled on the couches. There is a single blanket on the floor, in front of my parents.

''How did I not see this coming?'' I roll my eyes. Of course we're the ones to sit on the floor.

''You're the one who left.'' Clint sniggers with Sam.

''I'm not going to argue with you. I'd rather keep my brain cells.'' I smirk at him.

''Hey!'' he exclaims.

I smirk at him, before Wanda and I settle in our spot.

Dad puts on the movie and Friday turns off the lights.

We're about 30 minutes in the first movie, when I hear Wanda whisper.

''Can you please make me some breakfast? I haven't eaten today.'' she asks, gripping onto my arm.

I sigh and let my head fall back onto the couch. I look at her figure and I can see the puppy eyes she's making, through the dark.

''You have a very big effect on me.'' I mumble as I stand up.

''I'm going to be right back, continue watching.'' I say to the others and go into the kitchen.

A few minutes later I come out with a plate filled with bacon, eggs, and a few pieces of toast. I quietly sit down and hand her the plate.

''Thanks.'' she plants a quick kiss on my cheek, before starting to eat.

I look around and no one seems to have noticed our couple-like interaction. Well, except Nat. She's grinning at us.

After the first movie is done the lights turn back on. Everyone groans at the sudden brightness. And my enchanted senses don't help with dealing with the light.

''Go to the bathroom, get something to eat. Do whatever you need to do. The next movie starts in five minutes, with or without you.'' my dad says and stands up, walking towards the bathroom.

Everyone leaves to do whatever and now it's just Wanda and I in the room.

''Thank you, for the breakfast. You're a really good cook.'' she smiles at me.

''Thanks.'' I smile back. She leans in and plants soft kiss on my lips. I instantly kiss her back.

A few seconds later I hear a voice ''For how long has this been going on?''

I pull away and see everyone standing in the room, grinning and smiling at us. I feel my face become red.

''How long?'' dad asks again.

''A month?'' I quietly say, curling behind my legs.

''Pay up!'' Nat says, smirking. She holds out her hand towards Clint. He groans, handing her a 20 dollar bill.

I look at them, shocked. ''You seriously made a bet on us?''

''Yep.'' Nat answers, popping the 'p'.

''Anyways, congratulations. We were wondering when it was going to happen.'' Bucky says, smiling at us.

''Thanks.'' Wanda says. I can see she's blushing too.

''Everyone ready for the second movie?'' my dad asks.

I quickly take Wanda's plate and run to the kitchen. I put it in the sink and walk back to the living room. Everyone has already sat down.

I sit down in my previous spot. I feel Wanda cuddle into my side, as the lights turn off.

I smile, wrapping my arm around her. It feels nice, that we don't have to hide our relationship anymore.


Heyy! Here's Part 16! I hope you liked it!

So everyone else now knows about the adorable couple..

Votes and comments are always appreciated!

See ya!

Word Count - 1093

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