Part 2

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and stretch. Today is the day The Avengers move back in. I'm really excited.

I get up, take my towel, and head to the bathroom, to take a shower.

After the shower, I walk into the kitchen and find my parents, eating breakfast. ''Morning.'' I say, walking up to them and giving them a hug.

''Morning, kiddo.'' My dad smiles. ''Morning, sweetheart.'' My mom replies, also smiling

We all eat breakfast and are now headed downstairs, to welcome The Avengers.

We wait outside, for a few minutes, when we see a plane land and Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Wanda, Bucky, and of course Steve Rogers come out.

Everyone greets my parents and then look at me

"Well isn't that the Stark, junior.'' Steve says, lightly smiling

''The 91st floor is his, so I would appreciate, if you wouldn't go there, unless you need something.'' my dad explains.

Steve nods and holds out his hand ''Steve Rogers.''

I shake his hand ''Peter Stark.''

''That's a firm grip, you got there, Peter.'' Steve says

''Thanks.'' I reply

Everyone else greets me

''You can go to your rooms, now. We will see you all, for dinner.'' my dad says

The Avengers walk into the tower

''What time is the dinner?'' I ask my dad

''About 7. Why?'' he replies

''I wanted to go for a quick workout.'' I explain

''Sure, go ahead. I will be in the lab, if you need something.'' my dad says

''Okay, thanks!'' I give him a hug, before heading inside

I go into the elevator and to my floor. After I get ready, I go to the elevator. When the door opens, I find Natasha standing there

"Hey, Peter. Where you headed?'' she asks

''The training floor.'' I reply, getting into the elevator

''Me too. How much time do you spend there?'' she asks, visibly interested

''Half of my life is there.'' I reply, jokingly and I hear a laugh escape her mouth

The doors open and we see Clint, Bucky and Sam there, as well.

''Hey, Peter. What are you doing here?'' Clint asks

''I come here every day, to work out.'' I reply

Fortunately, they leave me alone and I go to my corner. I strip off my shirt, because I don't feel comfortable, working out with my shirt on.

''Looks like you really do spend a lot of time here.'' Clint looks surprised, seeing my muscles

''That's what I said.'' I reply

I do the usual warmup and do with a handstand against the wall, starting with some upside down pushups.


Everyone else has already left and I'm alone, in the training room. I let go of the pull up pole and jump down. I pull on my shirt.

After I have taken a shower, I go back to my room, and change. After I have finished changing, I leave my room and head to the elevator, heading to the 2nd floor, which is like a common floor, where everyone spends their free time.

"Friday, is there anyone on the 2nd floor?'' I ask that A.I.

''Yes, Clint, Natasha, Sam, and Steve is there.'' Friday replies

''Thank you, Friday.'' I thank her

''Of course.'' the A.I. replies

The elevator door opens and I see Clint, Natasha and Sam, sitting on the couch, playing videogames, and Steve is reading.

''Hey, Peter. Wanna join us?'' Clint asks, holding up another controller.

''Sure, thanks.'' I say, walking to the couch and grabbing the controller


It's 6:47. I'm in my room, getting ready for the dinner.

I have taken a shower and now I am dressing up. I'm going to wear something casual.

I decide to go with black jeans and a red T-Shirt. My hair is still wet, so I just comb it, making it look not-so-messy.

A few minutes later we're all sitting at the table and eating mom's made spaghetti with chicken. It was one of the best foods, she could make.

The adults are talking, but I'm kind of in my own world. That is, until I hear a question about me.

''So why and when did you adopt Peter?'' Steve asks my dad.

''Well.. I think that's for him, to explain.'' my dad says and everyone looks at me

I gulp and look down, suddenly interested in my palms ''Well, uhh.. when I was 5 years old, my parents died in a plane crash. I lived with my aunt and uncle, until my uncle was murdered.'' I harden my jaw, trying to hold back the tears, that were forming in the corners of my eyes. ''I lived with my aunt, until she died from a heart disease, 10 months ago. That's when they adopted me.'' I try holding it back, but the damage is done and I feel a tear roll down my cheek. The Avengers probably think, I'm weak now.

"Excuse me.'' I say, getting up and walking into the kitchen.

I lean against the table and feel more tears, rolling down my cheeks.

I hear someone come in and thinking it's my dad, I ignore it.

''I'm sorry, about your family. I know how you feel.'' I hear a sweet voice say with a slight accent in it.

I quickly wipe my tears away, not wanting to look weak and look up, to see Wanda Maximoff, or Scarlet Witch.

''Umm, hi?'' I say. I'm nervous, because I have never really talked to her and she is the prettiest girl, I have ever seen.

Her stunning, red hair laying over her shoulders and her deep green eyes, sparkling. She looks.. beautiful.

Snap out of it, Peter! She is an Avenger! You don't stand a chance.

She smiles at me ''My brother is dead. I sometimes still grief, about him. I know, it's hard, to lose someone you love.'' she says ''I also know, how hard it is to talk about it, especially to adults.''

I nod and give her a small smile ''Thanks.''

She smiles back and says ''If that helps, I'm 15 too. You can talk to me, if you need. Just come to my room, if you want to get something off your shoulders.''

''Thank you.'' I thank her, again.

''Of course.'' she smiles at me ''Come, everyone is waiting, for you.''

I nod ''I'll be there in a minute.'' I say

''Okay.'' she says and gives me a one last smile, before leaving the kitchen.

I take a deep breath and run cold water over my face, clearing the tear stains. I also run some water through my hair, before going back into the living room.


So here's another one! Hope you like it!

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