Part 20

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Peter's POV:

I open my eyes and roll over. I pick up my phone and look at the time. 09:11.

A week has passed since the Avengers found out that I'm Spider-Man. I'm completely healed, from when the building collapsed on me. Today is finally saturday, so I can relax.

I get out of my bed and go to the bathroom. After I've taken a shower I dry myself, before brushing my teeth and putting on some comfortable clothes. I leave my room, heading to the elevator.

When the doors open on the common floor, only Wanda and mom are there.

''Morning. Where are the others?'' I ask, walking into the kitchen area. They both look at me and smile.

''Morning, sweetie. Your dad and Bruce are in Tony's lab. Everyone else is on the training floor.'' my mom replies, walking over to me and planting a kiss in my hair ''Now, I have to go and finish some paperwork. We're soon going to mass-produce the Stark phones. It's a fuss.''

She kisses my head again, before walking to the elevator. When the doors close, I look at Wanda.

''Breakfast?'' I ask. A smile creeps on her face.

''Please.'' she replies. I nod and get to cooking.

A few minutes later, I'm working on pancakes, when I feel a pair of arms hug me from behind. She rests her chin on my shoulder, as I smile.

''You're making pancakes?'' she asks, already knowing the answer.

''Yep.'' I reply. My smile grows when I feel her nuzzle her head in the back of my shoulder.

''Someone is in a cuddling mood.'' I grin, turning around, as she nuzzles her head in my chest.

''Mm-hm, I am.'' she mumbles, making me chuckle. I soon finish our breakfast and set it on 2 plates.

We both snuggle up on the couch, eating breakfast while watching TV. Wanda's plate quickly empties. I don't notice it, until I see her snatch a pancake from my plate.

''What is it with you, always stealing my food?'' I ask, even though I can't help it as a smile forms on my face.

''Because I always finish mine, really quick.'' she replies, taking a bite from the pancake.

''Well, that's not my problem.'' I smile. I can't help but stare at her face.

I find it adorable, the way her face muscles move, when she talks or eats. The way her white teeth shine, every time she smiles.

''You're staring.'' she giggles. I snap out of my trance and feel blood rush to my cheeks.

''Sorry.'' I mumble.

''Don't be.'' she grins at me, cuddling in my chest. I wrap my arms around her, as she lays her head on my shoulder.

It doesn't take long, for us to finish our breakfast. I then take our plates to the kitchen, putting them in the sink. I make some popcorn, filling a bowl with it.

I walk back to the couch, putting the bowl on the floor, and dropping on the couch, next to her.

''So, what now?'' I ask, putting the bowl next to me. She cuddles into my side, looking up at me.

''How about a movie?'' she says. I nod and turn on the TV, switching to the movie list.

''What movie?'' I ask, she shrugs.

''You choose.'' she replies. I nod and put on the first Maze Runner.


By the time the movie ends, the popcorn bowl is completely empty. I look down at her, to find her looking at me with those bright green eyes.

The next thing I know, she grabs my arm, making me lay down and getting on top of me. Her hair falls on each side of our faces, acting as a curtain. She grins at me, leaning down and rubbing our noses together.

"You're adorable, you know that?" I grin at her. She smiles, before leaning down and connecting our lips. My arms snake around her waist, while her goes around my neck.

I can feel the soft tickle of her breath, under my nose. One of her hands grips my hair, before we get interrupted by Sam's voice.

"Oh, come on! Get a room!" I pull away, to find Sam, Bucky, and Steve, leaving the elevator.

"This is a room." I smirk at him. He rolls his eyes, walking into the kitchen. Steve and Bucky go and sit on the other couch.

I look at Wanda, to see her grinning at me. She lays her head on my chest, turning her head so she's facing the TV.


So, here's another chapter.

Sorry, this chapter is a bit shorter! The next one will be longer!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

Word Count - 788

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