Part 30

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Peter's POV:

I'm standing at the door, feeling the most nervous as I have ever felt. Well, except when I was asking Wanda out. Nothing can beat the nervousness I had at that moment.

''Are you absolutely sure, you want to do this? Because once you go through that door, there's no going back.'' dad says, looking at me. I nod, giving him a reassuring look.

''I'm sure.'' I reply. He nods and gives my shoulder a squeeze, before planting a kiss in my hair.

''Now, I will go out there and do the introduction. You will know when you need to come out.'' he says. I nod.

''Okay.'' he nods. He gives me a smile, before walking through the door. I feel Wanda squeeze my hand, in a comforting manner. I give her a small smile.

My attention goes back to the stage, as I hear my dad's voice echo through the speakers.

''Now, for the past year, there have been numerous rumors going around, that I have a child. More specifically, a son.'' he says. The crowd is silent, waiting for his next words.

''Today, I'm here to confirm those rumors. I indeed do have a son.'' he says. The crowd breaks out in loud whispers.

''He is 16 years old. We adopted him when he was 15. Welcome to the stage, Peter Stark!'' he booms into the microphone. I feel Wanda give my hand one last squeeze, as I go through the door.

The crowd erupts in questions, as I slowly walk towards my dad. I walk to the stage and stand next to my dad. He flashes them his paparazzi smile, as I shyly wave at them.

''Now. We're going to answer your questions, one by one.'' he says, before stepping away from the microphone.

Multiple reporters try to ask their questions, as I point at one of them.

''You.'' I say, trying to sound confident. I have never been in the center of attention of so many people. Without a mask, anyways.

''The Sun Tribune. Are you planning to take over Stark Industries, when Mr. Stark retires?''

''Yes, I do.'' I smiply reply. I point to another reporter.

''I'm with the New York Times. For how long have you seen Mr. Stark as your father figure?'' the reporter asks.

''I started seeing him as a father, a few months before he adopted me.'' I reply. The reporters, once again, break out in questions.

''You.'' I say, pointing to another reporter.

''New York Tribune. The have been rumours, that you are Mr. Starks personal intern. Is that true?'' she asks.

''I was never his personal intern. That was just a cover up, to protect my identity.'' I reply. They all nod, before breaking out in another wave of questions. I point to another reporter, as everyone else goes silent.

''The Daily Bugle. Has Tony Stark's playboy personality affected you? Is he considered a good father?'' the reporter asks. I'm slightly taken aback by the question.

''A lot of people still believe he's not changed. That he's still the same, arrogant playboy. But he's not. He has changed, and anyone who can't see that is blind. After everything he has done for charity and our society, he deserves more respect, than anyone has ever given him. He has been and is the best father I could've ever asked for.'' I reply.

I look back, to see dad smiling at me. I look back at the crowd, before pointing to another reporter. I can really get used to be in the center of attention.

''The Evening Telegram. Ther has been a rumor, that you are dating the Scarlet Witch. Is that true?'' he asks, making a small smile form on my face.

''Yes, that is indeed true.'' I reply. I recieve another wave of questions, as I point to another reporter.

''The Daily Mirror. How do you feel about Scarlet Witch dating you and Spider-Man? Have you ever felt jealousy towards the hero?'' the reporter asks. There is clear shock written across my face.

''Where did you get this information?'' I ask, slowly. The reporter places a picture in front of me. In the picture, I'm in my Spider-Man suit without my mask. My back is turned to the camera, hiding my face. But the picture of Wanda kissing me, is very clear.

My dad seems to see my shock, so he walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder. I step aside, allowing him access to the microphone.

''I suggest you all stop invading people's private lives, just to get clout. If this happens again, mark my words, you wil get sued. No more questions.'' he says, coldly. He leads me off the stage and through the door.

The moment I walk through the door, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck, as a pair of lips crashes into my own. I smile and return the kiss, cupping her cheek with my hand. A few seconds later, the kiss breaks.

''How do you feel?'' Nat asks, placing a hand on my shoulder. I smile.

''Like I'm going to be followed by reporters, for the next year.'' I reply, making some of them chuckle.

''Welcome to the spotlight, kid.'' Steve says, as I smile. And somehow I ended up in the middle of a big family group hug.


So, the story is done!

Thank you all for the amazing support, on this story!

I really appreciate the help and ideas you've given me, throughout the writing of this story!

I'l see you all, soon!

~Here's a little hint for the next story~

I feel like the cover is a little bit too much xD

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I feel like the cover is a little bit too much xD

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