Part 9

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Peter's POV:

It's about 1PM and we're all sitting in the living room, watching Escape Room.

My dad is sitting on the couch with my mom, cuddled into his chest. Bruce and Nat are sitting on the other end on the couch, cuddling as well. Clint is sitting next to Sam, Steve and Bucky, on the other couch. Wanda and I are sitting on the floor, next to my parents.

It has been two days, since my date with Wanda. We're planning to tell others about our relationship later. We agreed to keep it a secret for a while. I still don't understand how I got so lucky to have her.

My thoughts are interrupted by my dad.

''Hey, Pete. What do you want for your birthday?'' my dad asks and everyone looks at me.

''Your birthday's coming? When?'' Nat asks

''Umm.. tomorrow?'' I reply and look at the ground, not liking the attention.

''Why didn't you tell us? We would've got something for you!'' Bucky exclaims.

''You don't need to get me anything, but I knew you were going to want to.'' I explain.

''Of course they need to! Now, I expect you all to get something for him.'' My dad says.

''No! He doesn't know what he's talking about!'' I try to fight back.

''You can't win this. You're going to get gifts from us.'' Steve says and approving murmurs are heard.

I sight in defeat and let my head fall back, into the couch. I feel Wanda take my hand and lay her head on my shoulder. I smile.

I open my eyes and look back at the TV. The movie ends and the end credits show up.

Steve gets up and looks at us. ''What do you all want for lunch?''

''What about Pizza?'' Clint asks and everyone agrees.

Steve takes out his phone, about to order. ''Pepperoni?''

Everyone agrees and he leaves the room to make the call.


I jump into my room, through the window, after my usual patrol. I pull off my mask and press the emblem on my suit, making it become loose. I'm about to slip it off, when I notice Wanda, sitting on my bed.

''Hey. What are you doing here?'' I ask

''I waited for you to come back, so we can spend some time together.'' she says

''Of course. How long were you waiting?'' I ask, hoping I didn't make her wait for long.

''Only a few minutes.'' she answers and turns around ''I'll let you change.''

I quickly change into some comfortable clothes, before folding and putting the suit into my closet.

I lay on my bed and Wanda lays next to me, laying her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

''What did you tell the others?'' I ask

''I told them that I'm going out to buy you a birthday gift. If I would've told them that I'm coming to your room, that would've attracted attention.'' she asnwers.

I nod ''Do you want to watch a movie?''

She nods and cuddles into my side, while I turn on the TV and put on Netflix.

After I put on a movie I kiss the top of her head, before laying my head into the pillows.

Wanda's POV:

Peter has been on patrol for the past 4 hours. It's about 7PM, which means that he's coming back soon. Everyone else came back from the mall about 30 minutes ago. They were buying Peter gifts for his birthday.

I already have a gift for him, so I didn't go with them. They don't know that I have it, though. I told them that I would go and buy it later. Even though I think Nat knows what's going on. She does know about Peter's and mine relationship, after all. She promised to keep it a secret, though.

Peter is about to be back, so I stand up from one of the common floor couches and everyone looks at me.

''I'm going to go and buy Peter's gift.'' I say and walk towards the elevator. Multiple 'Ok's' and 'Be safe's' are heard, before the elevator doors open. I could've sworn I saw Nat wink at me.

I drive down to Peter's floor and head into his room. It's a big room, with 2 windows. It has a table with a lot of books scattered around it. There's a big closet and another door, that most likely leads to a bathroom. Next to the windows there's a big bed with light blue sheets.

I sit on the bed and wait for Peter to come. A few minutes later I hear the window slide open and Peter, dressed in his Spider-Man costume, crawls in. He takes off his mask and I see his messy hair spiking up. He presses the emblem on his suit and there's a mechanical whirring sound, when it becomes loose.

He's about to take it off, when he notices me sitting on the bed.

''Hey. What are you doing here?'' he asks, looking a bit surprised.

''I waited for you to come back, so we can spend some time together.'' I reply, hoping he would agree.

''Of course. How long were you waiting?'' he asks and I give a little smile at his answer.

''Only a few minutes.'' I reply and turn around ''I'll let you change.''

I hear him getting changed and when I hear the closet doors close, I turn around.

He lays on his bed and I lay next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. I feel him wrap his arm around my shoulders and I smile.

''What did you tell the others?'' he asks.

''I told them that I'm going out to buy you a birthday gift. If I would've told them that I'm coming to your room, that would've attracted attention.'' I explain.

I feel him nod ''Do you want to watch a movie?'' he asks.

I nod and cuddle into his side, while he puts on Netflix on the TV.

After he puts on a movie I feel him kiss the top of my head and I smile. He is so sweet.


After the movie I look up, to see his sleeping face. He looks so peaceful. He must've been tired, after his patrol. I slip out of his grip, but he opens his eyes.

''Where're you going?'' he asks, rubbing his eyes.

''I need to go back. They will become suspicious, if I don't go back soon.'' I reply

''Before you go.'' I see him stand up and walk over to me.

I smile, knowing what he's going to do and wrap my arms around his neck, as he wraps his around my waist.

Not wanting to wait any longer, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his lips, softly. I feel him kiss back, instantly. I love the feeling of his soft lips pressed against mine. I pull him closer, closing any space that was between our bodies.

A few seconds later we pull apart and I gaze into his brown eyes. ''Good night.''

''Good night.'' He replies and plants a kiss on my forehead. I give him a smile and leave the room.

While walking to the elevator, I smile to myself. How did I get so lucky, to have him?


Hey! Here's another one!

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