Part 27

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Peter's POV:

''Are you sure?''

I'm snapped out of my thoughts, by my mom's voice. I look up, to meet her eyes with mine.

''Yes. I'm ready.'' I reply. She looks at dad, before looking back at me.

''That is a very mature and serious decision. This is not something, you can just come back from if you don't like the result. If it's done, it's done. Are you really sure, you want to? Because no one is forcing you to do this.'' she says. I, once again, nod.

''As I said, I'm sure. I want to reveal myself to the public.'' I reply. She nods and stands up, pulling me into a hug. When the hug breaks, she looks into my eyes.

''I'll start to get everything ready. It might take a couple of days, though.'' she says.

''Thanks, mom.'' I smile. She smiles back, before pulling me in another hug. And a few seconds later, dad joins it.

When the hug breaks, I smile, as they both kiss the top of my head. I then turn around, heading to the elevator. I go up, to the Avenger's floor.

I immediately go to Wanda's room and knock on the door. I hear a muffled 'come in'. When I open the door, I find her, sitting on her bed, reading. I see a smile creep on her face, when she sees me.

''Hey, baby.'' she says, closing the book and setting it on the nightstand. I enter the room, before closing the door.

''Hey.'' I smile, before flopping on the bed. I bury my face in her stomach.

''Is everything okay?'' she asks. I smile, as I feel her start to run her hand through my hair.

''Yeah. I just told mom about the idea, and she's getting everything ready.'' I reply. I turn my head, so I can look at her. She continues to run her hand through my hair.

''So, when is the reveal happening?'' she asks. I shrug, for an answer.

''I don't know. She said it will take a couple of days, to get everything ready.'' I reply. She nods, understandingly.

''Which means..'' I smile. And with one quick movement, my head is in the pillows, as she is on top of me. I see her smile, as our eyes meet.

The next thing I know, she leans down, connecting our lips. I kiss her back, just before I feel her tongue slip between my lips. I smile, as our tongues press against one another.

When air becomes a necessity, the kiss breaks. Wanda rests her forehead against mine, as I see a smile playing on her lips.

She then kisses my nose, before nuzzling her face in my neck. I smile, as I plant a kiss in her hair.

Wanda's POV:

I can feel a blush creep on my cheeks, as I feel him plant a kiss my hair. I feel the very familiar butterflies fill my stomach.

I wish I would be able to spend every day, just laying here, in Peter's arms. I don't think I would ever get bored, as long as I'm with him. I smile at my own thoughts, as I hug his waist and pull myself closer to his body. I can basically feel the body warmth radiating off of him.

''Hey, Pete?'' I mumble.

''Hmm?'' I hear his voice. I smile, as I feel his hand stroking my hair.

''What do you think about sharing a room?'' I ask. I rest my chin on his chest, looking at him. There is clear shock visible across his face.

''Are you sure? I mean, that is a big step, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.'' he says, nervously. I smile and take his hand.

''I'm sure. I trust you, and I know you would never do anything to make me feel uncomfortable.'' I say. I see a small smile cross his lips.

''Yeah, okay then. I will talk to my dad.'' he says, making me smile. I peck his lips, before nuzzling my head back in his neck.

I smile to myself. I can't believe I actually asked him that. I don't regret it, though. I plant a soft kiss on his collar bone, as I feel him stroke my hair.

''Stop.'' he laughs, trying to push me away. I smile, realizing that's one of his ticklish spots. I lean down and continue planting soft kisses across his collar bone.

''No. Stop.'' he laughs harder, rolling over. I smile and try to do it again, but he rolls away, falling out of the bed.

''Ouch.'' he groans, getting up and crawling back into the bed.

''You can handle a building collapse on you, but you can't handle falling out of a bed?'' I ask, with a sheepish grin.

''Yes! It's so painful!'' he lets out a dramatic gasp, making me giggle. I cuddle into his chest, as he wraps his arms around me. I grin and plant another soft kiss on his collar bone, but he pulls away.

''Stop.'' he says, pointing a finger at me. I just scrunch my nose at him.

''Noo.'' he smiles, looking at me.

''What?'' I smile.

''Don't do that.'' he says, making me grin.

''Don't do what?'' I ask.

''That nose scrunch. It should be illegal to look that adorable.'' he grins, making me roll my eyes.

''Shut up.'' I smile, feeling my growing blush. I try to cuddle into his chest, but he pulls away. I look at him, slightly confused.

''No. I don't trust you.'' he grins. I realize what he means and smile. So instead, I turn around and spoon my back against him. He wraps his arm around my waist, resting his hand on my stomach.

''I love you.'' he mumbles, into my hair. I smile and lean the back of my head into the crook of his neck.

''I love you, too.''


So, here's another chapter!

I hope it doesn't look like their relationship is moving too fast.

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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