Part 12

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Peter's POV:

After I showed Nat saw how I flip, she helped me work on my landing skills. After that I had a 2 hour workout session.

I'm currently in the elevator, going up to my floor. When I leave the elevator I head to my room and into the bathroom.

I quickly take a shower and dry myself. I slip on some comfortable clothes and leave my room.

I head back to the elevator and go to the common floor. When the doors open I see Sam and Clint playing videogames, while dad is talking to someone with his phone pressed to his ear. Steve is talking with Bucky, while Nat is talking to Wanda, on the couch.

''Hey.'' I say, attracting the attention of everyone..

''I'll call you back.'' my dad says and slips the phone in his pocket.

''Hey, bud.'' he says, walking up to me and ruffling my hair. I can feel that he's up to something.

''What are you up to?'' I ask, suspiciously.

''Nothing.'' he says with a smug grin ''Just wanted to ask you how you slept last night.''

I feel blood rush to my face. He knows.

''Err, good. Why?'' I ask, trying to act like I don't know what he's talking about.

''Was it comfortable of the floor?'' he asks, the grin turning into a smirk.

''You slept on the floor? Why?'' Steve asks.

''I- err- I fell out of my bed in my sleep.'' I lie, glaring at dad.

''I'm pretty sure that's not what happened.'' he says, his smirk getting wider.

''Shut up, dad!'' I whisper-yell.

''Wanda, how was Peter's bed?'' he asks and everyone's heads snap towards us.

I look at the others to find Steve and Bucky looking at Wanda and I in shock, Clint, Sam, and Nat are grinning, while Wanda's and mine faces are representing tomatoes.

''W- we were watching a movie and she fell asleep. I didn't want to wake her so I slept on the floor. What about it?'' I say, trying to sound chill but failing miserably.

Steve visibly calms down and Bucky's face turns into a grin.

''Yeeaaaahh, rrriiiiiggghhtt.'' Clint teases, while snickering with Sam.

''What were you doing in my room, anyway?'' I ask, glaring at dad. I was so going to get him back for this.

''I wanted to show you my other gift, but you looked like you were very comfortable with your other company.'' he grins.

I roll my eyes ''She just slept in my room. It was like a sleepover, except we live in the same building.'' I say.

''Exactly.'' Wanda adds, still blushing.

''You two are boring.'' Sam pouts and continues playing.

Why, dad?


This is insane!

My dad just showed me his other gift! Holy shit!

It's a new Spider-Man suit. He calls it the Iron Spider. It's red and gold with a big spider on the chest, and it's bulletproof!

But that's not even the best part. It has nanotech! If I double tap my web shooter it turns into a watch! And if I double tap the watch, it turns back into the suit!

I'm currently in the elevator, heading to the roof. When the doors open, I step out and look onto the horizon.

I smile and take a deep breath. I run towards the edge and jump off. I feel the wind run through my hair, while in the free fall.

When I'm about 20 feet from the ground, I double tap the watch. The web shooter is the first to form and I immediately shoot a web to a building.

''Woooohooooo!'' I yell, releasing the web as the rest of the suit forms around me.

''It smells like a new car in here!'' I yell as I do a backflip and shoot another web.

(A/N - I'm sorry, I had to. :D)

I swing around the city, enjoying the feeling of the new suit. A few minutes later I land on top of a tall building.

''Karen?'' I say. My dad said that he added the A.I. to this suit as well.

''Hello, Peter. Congratulations on turning sixteen.'' the A.I. replies.

''Thanks.'' I grin.

I look at the sunset for a few minutes, before realizing on what building I'm standing on. I order my mask to come off.

''Thank you, Oscorp.'' I smile. If it wasn't for my trip to Oscorp, I never would've gotten my powers.

The thoughts about Oscorp lead to the thoughts of school, which lead to the thoughts of my friends. Ned and MJ.

I would be lying if I said that I don't miss them. We lately haven't talked much, except the FaceTime call on my birthday. I can't wait to meet them again.

I order the mask to come back up. I stand at the edge of the roof and look down. That's a long fall.

I extend my arms and let myself fall forward. I do a flip mid air, while falling. When I'm dangerously close to the ground, I finally shoot a web to a building.

I swing around the city and stop a few muggings and robberies. Nothing much.

Wanda's POV:

We're sitting on the common floor couches, going through TV channels and looking for something to watch.

I see a quick scene of Spider-Man, before Clint skips the channel.

''Wait, go back.'' I say and he turns back the channel. There is a video of Peter, well Spider-Man, swinging around. But something seems different. He has a different suit.

''Wait, does he have a new suit? I'm pretty sure he's had a different one this whole time.'' Clint says and everyone looks at Tony.

''Yeah, it was a gift from me. The kid deserves it.'' he quickly says. I turn my attention back to the TV.

I can see Spider-Man swing towards a burning house and jump in through the window. I hope he doesn't get hurt.

A few minutes later he swings back out, holding a boy who looks about 6 or 7 years old. When he puts the boy down they say something to each other, before he jumps and swings away.

I smile. I don't think that Peter even realizes how much good he does for people. It has become his daily routine.

''The kid's doing a good job.'' Steve says and I nod.

''I agree. He's a great kid.'' Tony says and Steve looks at him.

''Do you know who he is? I mean his real identity.'' Steve asks and Tony nods.

''Yeah, but I promised him to not tell anyone. He doesn't want the world to know who he is. At least not yet.'' Tony replies, Steve nods.

We talk about Spider-Man for a few more minutes, before there's a 'ding' and the elevator doors open.

''Hey, guys.'' Peter says, walking out of the elevator.

''Hey, Pete.'' Clint replies.

''Cool watch, where'd you get it?'' Bucky asks, pointing at Peter's hand where a modern hand watch is laying around his wrist.

''Dad's other gift.'' he replies and sits next to me.


Sooo, Here's another one! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are always appreciated!


Word Count - 1198

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