Part 6

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes, to close them again because of the sunlight, coming through the window. I take my phone, unplug it from the charger and look at the time. 9:56. I really took my time, sleeping.

Yesterday, a few minutes after I chickened out, Wanda and I told each other good nights and she went towards the elevator. First we stopped at the Avengers floor and then I went to my floor.

I get up and head towards the bathroom, for a shower. After the shower I dress up and leave my room, heading to the elevator.

''Good morning, Peter.'' Friday says, while I'm going up to the common floor.

''Good morning, Friday. Is anyone on the 4th floor?'' I ask

''Yes. Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Wanda, and Sam are there.''

''Okay, thanks.''

The door open and I see Tony and Steve talking in the kitchen, Clint and Sam talking in a corner of the room, and Wanda and Nat are watching TV, on the couch.

''Good morning.'' I say, groggily.

''Morning, Peter.'' Everyone replies

''You really took your time, sleeping.'' dad says, walking up to me and ruffling my hair.

''I know.'' I reply, now more awake ''What did I miss?''

''Nothing much. Just Clint and Sam pranking Bruce, almost turning him into the Hulk.'' Nat replies

''Nice.'' I simply reply and sit down at the kitchen table, as Steve passes me a plate with breakfast. I thank him and start eating.

''How did it go with Wanda?'' my dad whispers, into my ear.

''I'm a chicken.'' I reply, not bothering to whisper which attracts a few confused glances at me

After breakfast I thank Steve for the breakfast and head to the elevator. I get to my floor and start to get ready for a workout session, when I see smoke going up, in the city and I realize it's a burning building. Looks like working out will have to wait.

I suit up and jump out of my window, swinging towards the black smoke. When I arrive, I see a lot of police cars and people, gathered around.

I land next to a cop ''Is there anyone inside?'' I ask

He looks at me ''Yes, there's a girl in there, about 4, maybe 5 years old.''

I nod and swing in, through the window. ''Karen, how long do I have, before the buiding collapses?'' I ask

''You have about 4 minutes and 37 seconds, before catastrophic failure." The A.I. replies

I nod, even though I know Karen can't see that, and use my super hearing to find the girl.

I hear sobbing and head to the second floor, towards the sound. I cough, my lungs are full of smoke. I head towards the sound of crying and sobbing.

I open a closet to find the girl, hugging a labrador puppy. I smile to myself, remembering how I had a puppy, when I was her age and lived with my parents.

''Spider-Man!'' she exclaims and smiles

I nod ''Come here, I'm going to get you two out of here.'' I say and pick her up, her arms still tightly wrapped around the puppy.

''Karen, what's the fastest route, out of here?'' I ask

''The fastest route out of the house through the front window, but be careful not to touch anything. The window is holding a lot of weight and it might cause the building to collapse.'' Karen replies

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