Part 13

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes just to close them again, because of the sunlight coming through my window.

I groan and roll over. I feel numb. As in I've forgotten something very important.

I take my phone to look at the time, but I feel my body freeze as soon as I notice the date.

One year.

It has been exactly a year, since I found Aunt May dead, in our apartment. I feel my eyes fill with tears as I play the memory in my head.


'Hey, Tony. School just ended. When's the next mission? Call me, if you can.' I send the message, just before stepping out of the subway. I quickly make my way to the apartment building. I enter it and run up the stairs.

I walk into the apartment and call out ''Hey, Aunt May! I'm home!'' I start to get worried, as I don't get an answer. I walk into the living room and back out, to the wall, shocked. Tears escape my eyes as I scan my aunt's lifeless body.

"Aunt May? Are you alright? Please say something. Please!'' I let more tears flood down my cheeks as I try to get my aunt to wake up. But deep down I know, that she is gone.

I rest my head on her chest and let out a choked sob, feeling the tears run down my cheeks.

''Please, not you too.'' I mumble and let out another sob.


I try to get the picture of my aunt's lifeless body out of my head, but it keeps playing over and over again.

''Peter, you seem to be in distress, should I inform Tony?'' I hear Friday's voice say, but I don't bother to answer.

Wanda's POV:

Everyone is sitting on the common floor, watching TV. Well, except me. I'm currently on my phone, looking through pictures of Peter and me.

''Tony, Peter seems to be in distress.'' I hear Friday's voice say, and everyone's heads snap towards the ceiling.

''What? Why? What kind of distress?'' I hear Tony ask.

''I have scanned his behaviour, and it's very similar to his behaviour, during his first weeks in the tower. He seems to be in grief.'' Friday says and I feel myself tense up.

''What's wrong with Peter?'' I ask and Tony runs his hand through his hair.

''Friday what date is it?'' Tony asks.

''It's currently August, twenty-third.'' Friday replies and Tony let's out a deep sigh.

''Well, what is it?'' Natasha asks.

''His aunt died one year ago, today. After we adopted him, he spent the first few months either in his room or at the graveyard.'' Tony replies. I feel myself starting to get worried about Peter. I know how hard it is to lose family, especially at such young age.

''Friday, where is he now?'' Tony asks, looking at the ceiling.

''He is currently in his room, getting dressed.'' Friday replies, with her usual Irish accent.

''We can all go up to his floor and try to talk to him.'' Clint says.

''Are you sure it's a good idea? Wouldn't it be better, if only a few of us go?'' Sam asks.

''Alright.'' Tony says ''Wanda, Nat, Bruce, come with me. The rest of you stay here.''

We go to the elevator and step in. When we arrive at Peter's floor, we see Pepper standing there.

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