Part 11

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So, I've decided to start posting more often, twice a week.

I can't give any promises that I will be able to completely keep up with the new schedule, but I promise I'll do my best.

Anyways, enjoy the next chapter! :)


Wanda's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. I sit up and look around. I recognize the room as Peter's.

I'm about to get out of the bed, when I notice Peter. He is sleeping on the floor, next to the bed. He's wrapped himself in a blanket and has a pillow under his head.

I smile at his sleeping face. I don't understand how can a human being be so innocent and adorable.

I lay on my stomach and hang my arm out of the bed, taking Peter's hand in mine. I rest my chin on the edge of the bed and stare at his sleeping face.

I see his chest rise up and down, along his breathing. I smile when I see the cross I gave him, resting on top of his shirt.

A few minutes later I see his eyes flutter open and a grin spreads across his face when our eyes meet.

''Morning.'' he mumbles and sits up.

''Good morning, Pete.'' I reply, smiling.

He notices my hand holding his and gives it a soft squeeze. ''How did you sleep?''

''Good. Why did you sleep on the floor, though?'' I ask, rubbing his wrist with my thumb.

''Err, I didn't know if you'd feel comfortable with me sleeping next to you. And I didn't want to take any chances.'' he replies.

I chuckle ''Peter, I fell asleep with you next to me. Why would I mind?'' I see him blush.

''Right. Good point. I didn't think about it that way.'' he says, looking at the ground in embarrassment.

I smile at him ''It's still very nice of you to care for me.''

He grins at me and stands up ''I hope no one knows that you stayed here. Because if they do, they'll probably tease us about it for the next month.''

I also stand up and giggle ''That is very true.''

''So I'll see you at breakfast, then?'' he asks.

''Yep.'' I reply. I lean up and plant a soft kiss on his cheek, before leaving the room.

I head to the elevator and go to the Avengers' floor. I go into my room and head towards the bathroom door.

After I get ready, I leave my room and walk to the elevator. I step inside and press the button '2', leading to the common floor.

A few minutes later the doors open and I step out. I see everyone, except Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Steve, and Clint there.

Bucky and Sam are playing Mario Kart, while Peter is eating breakfast.

''Good morning.'' I call out.

''Morning, Wanda.'' The two men reply, while keeping their eyes on the screen.

I walk over to Peter and sit next to him ''What have you prepared for me?''

''Nothing, this is mine. You can make more, yourself.'' he says, taking a bite from his toast and pointing at his plate which is filled with toast, eggs, and bacon.

''Please?'' I give him my puppy eyes.

He looks at me and sighs. ''Gosh, fine. Just don't give me the puppy eyes.'' he says and stands up.

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