Part 18

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Peter's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. I immediately lift my hands in front of my face, blocking the light that's coming through the window. I really need to get some blinds for my window.

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom. After I've taken a quick shower, I dry myself and dress up. I grab my bag, before leaving my room and heading to the elevator.

I go to the common floor. When the elevator doors open, I step out and walk to the kitchen.

''Morning.'' I say, dropping a few pieces of toast in the toaster.

A chorus of 'Morning' and 'Good morning, Pete' sounds across the room.

I see Wanda put her breakfast plate in the sink, before walking over to me.

''So, I won't see you for eight hours?'' she says in a questioning tone.

''Yes. But after I come back and finish my homework, we can spend some time together.'' I reply, as she wraps her arms around my neck.

''I like the sound of that.'' she says, connecting our lips. I kiss her back, snaking my arms around her waist.

It feels like hours have passed, when I hear a voice.

''Hey, you two lovebirds mind keeping the kissing to the minimum?'' I hear Clint's voice exclaim. We pull away from each other and look at Clint.

''It's not our fault, that you're a loner.'' Wanda says. I bite my lower lip, trying not to laugh.

''Hey! I'm not a loner! I have a wife and kids!'' He says, annoyed. My desire to laugh is becoming stronger and stronger.

''But they're not here. So while you're in this tower, you're a loner.'' I smirk.

''You little shit.'' he says, getting up from the couch.

''Welp, that's my que to leave.'' I say. I plant a kiss on Wanda's cheek, grab the toast and run to the staircase.

I run down 2 floors, before jumping over the rail and landing a single floor lower. I'm still outside the rail, so I continue jumping down, one floor at a time.

A minute later I land on the first floor and look up, to see Clint still running down the stairs.

''Hey, Birdbrain!'' I call. He stops and looks over the rail.

''See you in a few hours!'' I smirk at him. I flip him off, before walking to the exit.

When I leave the tower, I see Happy waiting for me, next to the familiar black car.

I quickly finish my toast, before greeting Happy and getting in the car.

Wanda's POV:

Ever since Peter left for school, Clint has been trying to find a way to get Peter back, for flipping him off.

I honestly miss Peter. I still haven't got used to him being away for the most of the day.

He has just came back from school, and he's doing homework in his room. Clint is somewhere in the vents, waiting for Peter to come up so he can scare him.

I stand up from the couch in the common floor and walk to the elevator. I don't want to bother Peter, but I just want to say hi.

I go down to his floor and to his room. I knock on his door and hear a muffled 'come in'. I open the door and he spins around with his chair, to face me.

''Hey.'' he smiles at me, as I step in his room and close the door.

''Hey, baby.'' I reply, smiling. I walk over to him and sit down on his lap, leaning in the warmth of his body.

''What's up? Why are you here?'' he asks, rubbing my back.

''I still haven't got used to you being away for the most of the day.'' I say, making him chuckle.

''I told you, I'll finish my homework and then we can do what we want.'' he says, making me smile. I look at his desk, where a laptop, a book, a notebook, and a pen is laying.

''What subject are you doing?'' I ask, looking at the title on his laptop that reads 'United States Civil War Period'

(A/N - I honestly don't know much about US education system. 1st - I'm not from the US, 2nd - we have a completely different education system. So I had to improvise. Sorry if it doesn't adjust.)

''This is US History. I have to finish this last assignment, and then I'm done.'' he replies, glancing at his laptop ''I will have to go on patrol in the evening, though.''

''Okay. I'll wait for you on the common floor.'' I say as I kiss his cheek and stand up.

''Alright. I'll be up there soon.'' he replies, turning back to his work.

''Oh, by the way, be careful. Clint wants to get you back for flipping him off.'' I say with a grin, opening the door.

''Alright, thanks.'' he laughs as I leave his room and close the door. I go back to the common floor and sit on the couch, waiting for Peter.

About 15 minutes later, the elevator doors open and he walks out, typing something on his phone.

As soon as he steps out of the elevator, he stops and looks up at the vent. A smirk creeps on his face, as he takes a step to the side.

''If you want to get me back for flipping you off, then you should find a better way to do it.'' he smirks as Clint jumps down from the vents.

''Fine, I admit. You win. But how did you know?'' Clint asks.

''I heard you. You should learn to be more silent, while in the vents.'' Peter lies, slipping his phone in his pocket.

''You're the only one I can't scare.'' Clint pouts, walking to a couch and flopping down on it. Peter walks over to me and sits next to me. I instantly cuddle into his side, as he wraps his arm around me.

The familiar 'ding' is heard, as the elevator doors open and Nat, Bucky, and Steve walk out.

''You two look adorable.'' Nat says, looking at me and Peter. I feel blood rush to my cheeks.

''Thanks.'' I hear Peter mumble. I look up to see his face, also colored red.


The movie's end credits show up and I look around to see, that everyone else has joined us in the living room. I place my legs over Peter's lap, as I cuddle closer into his chest. I feel him plant a kiss on the top of my head.

''You know, I have to go on patrol, now.'' he whispers into my ear, making me sigh.

''I just got comfortable.'' I whisper back, looking up into his eyes.

''We can spend time together every day. I wonder how you haven't got tired of me, yet.'' he chuckles.

''I could never.'' I grin at him, before connecting our lips.


Here's another chapter!

The ending of this one put me in an awkward situation, and I didn't really know how to end this chapter.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! Votes and comments are always appreciated!

See ya!

Word Count - 1196

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