Part 29

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Wanda's POV:

My eyes shoot open, as I feel cold sweat running down my forehead. I slowly sit up, feeling the tears running down my cheeks. I look around the room, wiping them away.

The moon is lighting up my room, through the window. I look at the time, only to realize it's 1 AM. I sigh and lay down, wanting to go back to sleep.

I close my eyes, but the only thing I see is my brother's lifeless body. I quickly open my eyes, realizing I can't sleep.

I silently get out of my bed and walk to the door, opening it. I step into the hallway, closing my door. I feel myself shiver, as my bare feet touch the cold floor.

I silently walk to the elevator and step in, going down to Peter's floor. I'm only wearing a T-Shirt and shorts, so it's pretty cold. When I leave the elevator, I head to his room. I open his door, to see his sleeping body.

''Pete?'' I whisper. My voice is shaky, it sounds like I've just been crying. Which I have.

''Wanda?'' he mumbles, half-asleep ''What are you doing here?''

''Nightmare.'' I whisper.

''Oh, baby. Come here.'' he whispers. I enter his room and close the door. I walk to his bed and get in, under the covers. I hug his waist, cuddling in his chest.

''Are you okay?'' he whispers. I nod, for an answer. I feel him wrap his arms around me, making a small smile form on my face.

The next thing I know, my eyes close and sleep takes over.


I wake up and open my eyes. I'm greeted by the sight of Peter's bare chest, which makes me blush like mad.

I realize I've just spent the night in Peter's bed. It feels very comfortable. I can get used to this. I am moving into his room, after all.

Yeah, we decided that I'll move into his room because he has a whole floor. It's more space and everything.

I'm pulled away from my thoughts, as I hear Peter groan. I look up, to meet his doe brown eyes, with my emerald ones.

''Morning.'' he smiles.

''Morning, baby.'' I smile back, cuddling back into his chest. I feel his arms tighten the grip, around me.

''Any more nightmares?'' he asks. I shake my head.

''That's good.'' he nods. Neither of us say anything for the next few seconds, before he speaks again.

''It's 9 AM. We should get up.'' he says. He tries to sit up, but I tighten my grip around his waist. I look up, to see him smiling at me.

''We're literally going to share a room. You will be able to cling to me for as long as you want. But right now, I want to take a shower.'' he says. I nod and peck his lips, before releasing him.

He gets out of the bed, grabbing his towel and a set of clean clothes. He then enters the bathroom, closing the door.

I get out of the bed, leaving the room. I head to the elevator, before going down to the Avengers floor. When I leave the elevator, I head to my room.

I enter my room and close the door. I grab my towel and head to the bathroom.

After I've taken a shower, I dry my hair, brush my teeth, and slip on a pair of sweatpants and a T-Shirt. I put on a pair of socks, before leaving my room and heading to the elevator.


I place the last empty box on the floor, as Peter enters the room.

''Was that the last of it?'' he asks, sitting on the bed. I nod for an answer, as I climb into his lap, hugging his waist.

We just sit there, in a comfortable silence. Peter is rocking us back and forth, while rubbing my back.

''If you don't mind me asking,'' I look up at him ''are those your parents?'' he asks, nodding to the picture I placed on the nightstand.

''Yeah. They were the best.'' I smile at the picture. The picture is with me and my brother, hugging our parents. I still remember taking the picture. I was only 9 years old.

I can feel him tighten the grip around my shoulders, in a comforting manner. I smile and nuzzle my head in his neck, pulling myself closer to his body.

It's like... whenever I feel sad or unhappy, he can comfort me just by holding me. He doesn't even have to do or say anything. Just hold me.

I smile to myself, realizing my attraction to the spider is stronger than I thought. I look up, to see him still looking at the picture.

When he notices I'm looking at him, he smiles at me and kisses my forehead. That sends butterflies flying through my stomach.

Without another thought, I lean up and press my lips against him with slightly more force than usual. He falls back on the bed, as I place my legs on both sides of his waist, straddling it.

I feel my tongue press against his, as I grip his hair. I can feel the tickle of his breath, under my nose. I feel his hand cup my cheek, as the kiss breaks.

I smile at him, before nuzzling my head back in his neck. I can feel the very familiar scent that belongs to him.

''I love you.'' I mumble. I can basically feel the smile on his face.

''I love you, too.'' he replies, planting a kiss in my hair. I feel myself smile, as I feel his hand stroking my hair.


So, here's another chapter!

I want to thank you for the 600 votes this story has reached! I'm also thaknkful for reaching #1 in spiderwitch!

The last chapter of the story is up in 2 days!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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