Part 17

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So, the chapter I posted yesterday was kind of a 'bonus' chapter. From now on, I will continue with the regular update schedule.



Peter's POV:

I wake up and groan. I roll over, almost falling out of my bed.

Yesterday everyone found out about Wanda's and mine relationship, so we can expect a lot of teasing today.

It's Sunday, and I want to work on some ideas how to work out effectively, with my super strength.

You know, usually 16 year olds' can't hold up to 14 tons.

And if I make weights that are much heavier than it says on the side, then someone could accidentally pick them u- Wait!

How did I not think of this before?

I jump out of my bed and run to the bathroom. After I've taken a quick shower, I quickly put on a comfortable outfit and run to the elevator.

I press the button '92' which leads to the common floor and I also press the button '88' which leads to my dad's, Bruce's, and mine labs.

Yes, I have my own lab. My dad gave it to me, after a month of living here, because I spent a lot of time in his lab. So he gave me my own.

Dad, Bruce, and I have our separate labs, on the same floor.

The elevator doors open on the common floor. I run out and see Wanda eating breakfast. Perfect.

"Morning." I call out, running over to her, kissing her cheek and grabbing 2 pieces of toast from her plate.

"Hey!" she exclaims, as I start to run back to the elevator.

"Sorry! I'll make you more, later!" I reply and run into the elevator, just as the doors are about to close.

Then the elevator opens on the 88th floor and I step out. I first look into my dad's lab, to see him tinkering with something.

''Hey, dad!'' I call out, before walking to my lab.

''Morning, Pete!'' he replies, continuing to tinker.

I then enter my lab. It's pretty big, with a big window, which has a view of the city. I have multiple desks, with a lot of stuff scattered on them. There is a couch and a bean bag in the corner, next to the window.

By now I have finished the toast. I walk over to one of the desks and make some space. I pull out some blueprint paper, and start to draw.

Wanda's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. I sit up and look at the time. 9:41.

Yesterday everyone found out about Peter's and mine relationship, so we can expect a lot of teasing today.

I roll over and get out of my bed. I walk to my bathroom, for a shower.

After I've taken a shower, I dry my hair and put on some comfortable clothes.

I walk out of my room and to the elevator. When the doors open, I step in and go to the common floor.

When the doors open, I step out. Clint and Sam are watching TV with Bruce, while Steve is in the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen and sit down.

''Good morning, Wanda. How did you sleep?'' Steve asks, as he passes me a plate with breakfast.

''Morning. Pretty good.'' I reply, starting to eat. I keep talking to the others, while eating. That's when the elevator doors open and Peter runs out.

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