Part 15

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Peter's POV:

I hear my alarm sound. I groan and roll over, almost falling out of my bed.

I'm not ready to go to school. I'm not ready to see those hallways and teachers.

I just want to stay in the tower and spend the day with The Avengers, especially Wanda.

Knowing that it isn't going to happen, I turn off my alarm and get out of bed. I walk to my bathroom, to get ready.

After I've dressed up and made sure that I have everything, I leave my room and head to the elevator.

After I step into the elevator, I press the button '92', leading to the common floor.

A minute later the doors open and I step out, setting my bag down next to the couch.

''Morning.'' I mumble, as I sit down at the kitchen table.

A chorus of 'Morning.' and Morning, Pete' are heard.

Steve passes me a plate filled with breakfast. I thank him and start eating.

I quickly finish by breakfast and place my plate in the sink.

''I'll see you all after a few hours.'' I say, grabbing my bag.

''Bye, Pete. Have fun at school.'' Steve says. I freeze and look at him, after stepping into the elevator.

''I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.''


''Bye, Happy. See you after school.'' I say, receiving a grunt from him. He may not show it, but I know that deep down he cares about me.

I get out of the car and walk around the school. I asked Happy to park behind the school, because it would seem weird why Puny Penis Parker is arriving to school with a personal driver, in a multi-thousand dollar car.

I enter the school, to be greeted with the well familiar hallways. I walk over to my locker, to see Ned waiting for me.

''Hey, man. How are you?'' I ask, grinning.

''What's up, Pete? I'm good, what about you?'' he smiles. I unlock my locker and put in my bag. I take out the books I need for my first period, before closing and locking the locker.

''I'm good. I recently got a girlfriend.'' I smirk at him.

His face brightens up and he opens his mouth to say something, but is cut off with a voice that I know all too well.

''Penis Parker and a girlfriend? Well those are just to completely incompatible things.'' Flash sneers and I hear his friends laugh.

''What do you want, Flash?'' I ask, annoyed.

''Who is this little girlfriend of yours?'' he smirks.

''None of your business.'' I reply, angrily and Ned and I start walking towards our first class.

A second later I feel my Spidey Sense shoot a warning up my spine.

Dodge to the left. Non-lethal danger.

Knowing that it's only Flash, I ignore it. I feel him grip my shoulder and push me into a wall, roughly.

''You watch your tone with me, Parker. You might end up in an alley, with me.'' he growls.

God, how I wish I could punch him right now. But I can't. I might be Peter Stark and Spider-Man outside this school, but in this school I'm Penis Parker. The nerd who can't even throw a punch.

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