Part 26

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Wanda's POV:

I wake up and open my eyes. I'm met with the sight of Peter's shirt. I smile and cuddle closer to the warmth of his chest.

It's Saturday, so I'm glad I didn't wake up without him. I honestly hate, when I wake up and he's gone to school.

I hug his waist and pull myself closer to his body, whilst intertwining my leg with his. I rest my head on his chest.

I feel myself smile when I see the cross I gave him for his birthday, laying on top of his shirt. I take it and press the button, making it turn into a locket. I open it and smile, seeing the picture of us.

He has added another picture, though. There are now 2 pictures, on each piece of the locket. I smile, seeing the other picture.

Peter is showing off his dorky grin at the camera, while I'm kissing his cheek. I still remember the day he took this picture.

''You look cute in that picture.'' I hear a voice, making me smile. I look up, to see Peter looking at the picture, with a slight smile.

''Which one?'' I ask, with a grin.

''Both.'' he says, mirroring my grin.

''Don't I always looks cute?'' I playfully ask, with a pout.

''You do.'' he says, nuzzling his face in the back of my neck ''But you look extra cute in those pictures.''

I smile and rest my head back on his chest. I love, how even his cheesiness can fill my stomach with butterflies.

I close the locket and press the button, turning it back into the cross. I rest it back on his chest, before hugging his waist, again.

''We should get up.'' he says. He tries to sit up, but I don't let go.

''You're not letting me go, are you?'' he chuckles. I shake my head, trying to hide my growing smile.

''I need to take a shower. Then you can hold on to me, for as long as you want.'' he says. I nod and unwrap my arms from his waist.

''Alright. I'll be right back.'' he says, getting out of the bed. He kisses my cheek, before leaving the room.

I get up and grab my towel, walking to the bathroom. I quickly take a shower and dry my hair, before starting to dress up.

I hear a knock at my door, just as I finish putting on my shirt.

''Come in.'' I say, looking at the door. Peter walks in and looks at me.

''Come on, let's go.'' he says, pulling out his hand. I smile and jump on him, latching onto him like a koala. My arms are around his neck, as my legs are locked around his waist. I nuzzle my head in his shoulder.

He chuckles and places his hand under my thigh, supporting my weight. I feel my stomach erupt with butterflies, at the feeling of his hand on my thigh.

We walk to the elevator and head up, to the common floor. When we leave the elevator, everyone looks at us.

''Morning.'' I mumble, along with Peter. There is a chorus of 'Morning' and 'Morning, you two'.

Peter walks to the counter and grabs a plate of breakfast, before walking to a couch and sitting down. I release him and settle on his lap, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head on his shoulder.

Peter's POV:

Wanda is sitting on my lap, with her head resting on my shoulder. My arm is around her, as I reach a piece of bacon towards her. I see her smile and take a bite from the bacon.

''They look so cute! He practically worships her.'' I hear mom whisper to my dad, thanks to my enhanced hearing. I smile at her comment and continue to feed Wanda, between my own bites.

The plate empties very quickly. Neither of us wants to move, so Wanda uses her powers to bring the plate to the kitchen, and place it in the sink.

The couch is empty, so we lay down. She lays on top of me, resting her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around my waist.


I'm currently in the elevator, going down to dad's, Bruce's, and mine labs. When the doors open, I step out and walk to my dad's lab.

As usual, loud music is playing, as he looks like he's working on his Arc Reactor. I walk over to him and tap his shoulder. He turns around and looks at me.

''Friday, turn down the volume.'' he says. The music becomes more silent, and now it's only heard in the background.

''Do you need something?'' he asks. I nod and look at him, slightly nervous.

''After the field trip to here, I realized something.'' I say, making him raise his eyebrow ''I want the world to know about me. That I'm your son.''

Shock is written across his face, as he's looking at me.

''Are you sure? I mean, that is a very big step. We wanted to wait until you're an adult.'' he says. I nod in assurance.

''I'm sure. I'm ready, for the world to know.'' I say, making him nod.

''Alright. If you're sure, then okay. We'll discuss this with your mom.'' he nods. I smile and pull him in a hug.

''Thanks, dad.''


So, here's another chapter! I hope you like it!

Votes and comments are appreciated!

See ya!

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